Vocabulary Slideshow
Vocabulary List
Word | Part of Speech | Example |
combustion | Noun | I think combustion engines are a thing of the past. |
loss | Noun | The killing of EV cars in the 1990s was a huge loss. |
smog | Noun | Cities like L.A. or Shanghai have way too much smog. |
ghost | Noun | I was so frightened I felt like I saw a ghost. |
flaw | Noun | Everyone has their own flaws. |
rate | Noun | The accident was bad because of the high rate of speed they were traveling at. |
Co2 | carbon dioxide | Noun | When we breath out, we are breathing out Co2. |
O2 | oxygen | Noun | When we breathe in, we are breathing in oxygen. |
climate change | global warming | Noun | There is no denying that climate change is a worldwide problem. |
gas | Noun | That balloon is floating because of the helium gas inside. |
emissions | Noun | Cars with low or no emissions are better for the Earth. |
pollution | Noun | There is too much pollution in the world's oceans and skies. |
evidence | Noun | There is significant evidence that using gasoline is bad for humanity. |
effect | Noun | What is the effect of pouring oil into your garden? |
concern | Noun | I wear my helmet because I have concern for my safety. |
transportation | Noun | This city has great public transportation. I don't need a car. |
waste | Noun | This movie was a waste of money. It was terrible! |
issue | Noun | Why do you have an issue with driving BMWs? I think they're great! |
nature | Noun | I love driving way out into nature to appreciate its beauty. |
bevelled | Adjective | That car's windshield is bevelled, so you can see even more! |
banned | Adjective | We are banned from the races for fighting. |
modern | Adjective | Modern cars have zero emissions. |
environmental | Adjective | I like people with good environmental ideas. |
convenient | Adjective | There are so many charging stations in this city. It's really convenient. |
reusable | Adjective | Reusable water bottles are much better than disposable water bottles. |
disposable | Adjective | It is sad to use so many disposable items. |
separate | Adjective | We have two separate loans, one for the car, and one for the house. |
strict | Adjective | Were your parents very strict? |
responsible | Adjective | I was responsible for the accident, so I paid to have the car fixed. |
complex | Adjective | Smartphones are complex machines. |
organic | Adjective | I like organic fruits and vegetables best. |
mourn | Verb | When we lose a family member, we usually mourn for a long while. |
appear | Verb | This car appears to be fast, the speedometer goes to 220! |
produce | Verb | This factory produces 25 cars per day. |
haunt | Verb | I am haunted by my bad test score! |
crank | Verb | Old automobiles needed to be cranked to start. |
pollute | Verb | I would never pollute. I love nature! |
prove | Verb | If you think your car is so fast, prove it on the racetrack! |
rethink | Verb | Once I drove the van home, I rethought my decision to buy it. |
unplug | Verb | My battery is all charged; can you unplug my charger, please? |
plug in | Phrasal Verb | My phone is dead; will you please plug it in for me? |
reduce | Verb | Everyone in the world should try and reduce using resources. |
protect | Verb | World leaders must work to protect our global environment. |
arrive | Verb | What time will the guests arrive to the party? |
leave | Verb | I have to leave by 12:00 pm if I want to get there on time. |
dent | Verb | Although they did hit in the race, neither car dented the other. |
entirely | Adverb | We are entirely too good at this job to get paid such a low amount. |
substantially | Adverb | Driving laws can change substantially from country to country, but driver's safety is pretty much the same. |
perhaps | Adverb | Perhaps we can find a used part for your car. |
to go too far | Phrase | Many people think that creating computers that can think like humans is going too far. |
(something) of choice | Phrase | I like all kinds of vehicles, but a nice motorcycle is my vehicle of choice. |
hundred | Quantifiers | My windshield cost one-hundred dollars. |
million | Quantifiers | I would never buy a car that cost a million dollars. |
Vocabulary Dictation
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