Teacher Notes

Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a preview of Grammar - Present Passive.

The following vocabulary words are used in this activity:

Part One

There are many ways in English to say "Goodbye".

Read and listen to the following conversations in progress. What do the people say that means "Goodbye"?

Conversation #1


A: Well, I've got to get going.

B: Yeah, me too. My bus leaves soon.

A: Your bus? What happened to your car?

B: Oh, I had some problems with it last week. It's being fixed today.

A: I see. Okay, talk to you later.

B: Sure. See you at school.

A: Yep. Take it easy.

Conversation #2


A: Anyways, before I leave, Jorda, I wanted to say how much I love your shoes.

B: Oh thanks! I got them last week. They're from Germany.

A: Did you buy them online?

B: No, they're sold at the mall.

A: Well, they're very nice. Anyway, I'm off. I'll see you later.

B: Okay. See ya later!

Part Two

Step 1: Saying "Goodbye"

When it is time to go, there are many different ways to say "Goodbye". Here are some other ways:



  • A short way to say "Goodbye"

(I'll) see you later / soon / tonight / tomorrow / next week, etc.

  • Depends on when you will meet again

Have a nice / good day, weekend, time, trip, etc

  • Depends on the situation

Good night

  • Depends on the time

Bye now

  • "Now" can be added to "bye" or "bye bye".
Casual / Friendly

Bye bye

  • A friendly way to say "Goodbye"

See ya / Later

  • A friendly way to say "Goodbye"

Have a good one

  • A casual way to say "Have a good weekend, day, time, etc"

Take care

  • A friendly way to say "Goodbye"

Take it easy

  • A casual way to say "Goodbye"

Intro Example #1 Example #2 Example #3

View the following examples.

See you later!



Bye now.

Take care.


Have a nice weekend!



Step 2: Getting Ready to Say "Goodbye"

There are many ways to end a conversation, but you don't usually just say "Goodbye". We use other words and phrases to show that it is time to say "Goodbye":

I have to go.
I've got to get going.
It was nice seeing you, talking to you, meeting you, etc.
It was lovely to see you, talk with you, meet you, etc.
I'm out of here.
I'm off.
Thank you for your time.

Intro Example #1 Example #2 Example #3

View the following examples.

Well, I'm out of here!

Okay then.

See you later.



It was nice seeing you!

You too, Steve!

Bye now.

Take care.


Anyway, I've got to get going.

Thanks for the chat.

Have a nice weekend.



Part Three

Walk around the room and chat with your classmates. When the teacher tells you to move on, end your conversation and say "Goodbye". Try to use different ways to say "Goodbye".

Part Four

Read the sentences below. They are from the conversations in Part One. Pay attention to the parts in blue. This grammar is called the Passive Voice. Which sentence do you think describes an action happening now? Which one describes an action that happens all the time?

  1. It's being fixed today.
  2. No, they're sold at the mall.