There is a famous zoo in San Diego. It has many beautiful animals.


Singular Nouns

There is
There was
a hospital
on Burrard Street.
There is not
There's not
There isn't
There was not
There wasn't
a television
in the room.
There is
There was
a hospital on Burrard Street.
There is not
There's not
There isn't
There was not
There wasn't
a television in the room.

Plural Nouns

There are
There were
three people
at the table.
There are not
There aren't
There were not
There weren't
31 days
in April.
There are
There were
three people at the table.
There are not
There aren't
There were not
There weren't
31 days in April.

Yes / No Questions

Is there
Was there
a party
at Dave's house?
Are there
Were there
in the tree?
Is there
Was there
a party at Dave's house?
Are there
Were there
apples in the tree?

Short Answers

Yes, there is.
there are.
there was.
there were.
No, there is not / 's not / isn't.
there are not / aren't.
there was not / wasn't.
were not / weren't.

How many...?

How many students
are there in your class?
in your city?


We use there is / are to say that something exists or doesn't exist:

There's water in the glass.

There are birds in the tree.

There was a party last night.

There weren't many rainy days in July.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

