Teacher Notes

Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a preview of Grammar - Future #2.

The following vocabulary words are used in this activity:

Part One: Warm Up

Discuss the following questions with a partner or group:

  • What is something you are really good at?
  • What is something you often need help with?
  • What is something you always help others with?

Part Two: Listening


Open Exercise #1 to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document. Then, go on to Exercise #2.

Conversation #1



Person 1: Hello? Hello? John? Yes?

Cal: Hi, John. It's Cal. How are you?

John: I'm good. What's up?

Cal: Well, actually, I have a problem. You know that English test we have tomorrow?

John: Yes.

Cal: Well, I'm looking at my notes, and I don't understand anything. I think I'm going to fail.

John: Okay, calm down. What are you confused about?

Cal: Everything. I can't remember the vocabulary, and I don't understand the grammar. Will you help me?

John: Sure. I have to wash the dishes. I'll come over in about an hour.

Cal: Really? Awesome. I'll make some coffee and donuts. See you soon.

Conversation #2



Angelo: Hello? Rachel, it's Angelo. Where are you?

Rachel: I'm at home, why?

Angelo: I'm at the mall right now waiting for you. We have to buy a present for mom.

Rachel: Oh no, I totally forgot. I was watching a movie and I fell asleep.

Angelo: Rachel, I can't believe you. Mom's birthday is tomorrow. If we don't get her something, she'll be so sad.

Rachel: I know, I know. I'm sorry, will you wait for me? I'll be there in 20 minutes, I promise.

Angelo: Okay, I'll get something to eat. If you aren't here in 20 minutes, I'm leaving.

Rachel: Don't worry, I won't be late.

Conversation #3



Person 1: Hello?

Lisa: Hello?

Mark: Oh, hi, Lisa.

Lisa: Oh, hi, Mark. How's it going?

Mark: Not so good, actually.

Lisa: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong?

Mark: Well, I'm trying to fix my bike, but I don't really know what I'm doing.

Lisa: Oh, yeah? Well, I know all about bikes. I'll fix it for you if you want.

Mark: You know how to fix bikes?

Lisa: Yes, I worked in a bike shop when I was in university.

Mark: I didn't know that. Well, that's great. Are you free this afternoon?

Lisa: Yes, I'll come over at two o'clock. Is that okay?

Mark: That's perfect. And if you're free, I'll take you out for dinner tonight to say thanks.

Lisa: Thanks, Mark. See you later.

