Vocabulary List

Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe company makes amazing technology.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExamplePlease stop making that noise. It's annoying.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThis coffee tastes really bitter.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe doctor told me to eat bland food because of my stomach problems.
Part of SpeechAdverb
ExamplePlease pay attention carefully. This is important.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe king and queen lived in a large castle on a mountain.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleYou should compare phones before you buy one.
Part of SpeechAdverb
ExampleAre you sure you have finished the homework completely?
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe grammar in Unit 9 was really confusing for me.
[video game]
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe popular video game consoles of today are made by Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe road isn't straight. It's curved.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI gave a description of the man to the police.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleI really like the design of the new building. It's beautiful.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI thought that movie was exciting. What about you? Did you like it too?
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleI need a new hard drive. I filled mine with photos.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI always love reading about new gadgets and technology.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleThe company's website was hacked three days ago. It's still not back up.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleMy height is 174cm.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe company is important to the country because it has so many workers.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI couldn't believe what happened. It was incredible!
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExamplePlease don't be jealous. I love you and only you.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe steaks at this restaurant are always very juicy.
Wordkeep in touch (with)
Part of SpeechIdiom
ExamplePlease don't forget me. Let's keep in touch on Facebook.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleThe funny teacher always makes the students laugh.
[or line-up]
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI had to wait in line at the bank for more than thirty minutes!
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleMake a list before you go to the grocery store.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI have no idea how to fix my car. I hate machines.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleMy father thinks modern music sounds terrible.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleWhat is your opinion about the problem? How should we fix it?
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleDo you like the smell of my new perfume?
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleCanada is a very big country, but the population is quite small.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleWe have to be quick. We don't have much time.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleYou shouldn't buy that laptop. I read a bad review of it online.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThis road is rough. They should fix it.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe sides of the phone are not straight. They're round.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThis soup is so salty. Why did you use so much salt?
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe old knife isn't very sharp anymore.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI love it when I wash my car. It's so shiny and clean.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleIn many video games, your job is to shoot other people.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe baby's skin is so soft and smooth.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThis bed is too soft. I prefer harder ones.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI think this milk is too old. It's sour.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleOne day, we'll fly to space in a spaceship for a vacation.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleToo much spicy food is bad for your stomach.
Part of SpeechNoun, Adjective
ExampleOlder cars were more square than modern ones.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI don't like that bag. It has too many straps.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI changed jobs because my old one gave me too much stress.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleGreen bananas aren't very sweet.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleLike it or not, technology is an important part of the world today.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe temperature outside is 22 degrees.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleMy English class is so tiring. We work so hard and the teacher gives us so much homework.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleCan I show you a trick to do that faster?
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI don't have that app on my phone now because I thought it was useless.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe singer has a beautiful voice.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExamplePlease don't ask me about my weight.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe table is not long, but it's wide.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe elevator isn't working. We need to take the stairs.
  Word Part of Speech Example
amazing Adjective The company makes amazing technology.
annoying Adjective Please stop making that noise. It's annoying.
bitter Adjective This coffee tastes really bitter.
bland Adjective The doctor told me to eat bland food because of my stomach problems.
carefully Adverb Please pay attention carefully. This is important.
castle Noun The king and queen lived in a large castle on a mountain.
compare Verb You should compare phones before you buy one.
completely Adverb Are you sure you have finished the homework completely?
confusing Adjective The grammar in Unit 9 was really confusing for me.
[video game]
Noun The popular video game consoles of today are made by Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft.
curved Adjective The road isn't straight. It's curved.
description Noun I gave a description of the man to the police.
design Noun, Verb I really like the design of the new building. It's beautiful.
exciting Adjective I thought that movie was exciting. What about you? Did you like it too?
fill Verb I need a new hard drive. I filled mine with photos.
gadget Noun I always love reading about new gadgets and technology.
hack Noun, Verb The company's website was hacked three days ago. It's still not back up.
height Noun My height is 174cm.
important Adjective The company is important to the country because it has so many workers.
incredible Adjective I couldn't believe what happened. It was incredible!
jealous Adjective Please don't be jealous. I love you and only you.
juicy Adjective The steaks at this restaurant are always very juicy.
keep in touch (with) Idiom Please don't forget me. Let's keep in touch on Facebook.
laugh Noun, Verb The funny teacher always makes the students laugh.
[or line-up]
Noun I had to wait in line at the bank for more than thirty minutes!
list Noun, Verb Make a list before you go to the grocery store.
machine Noun I have no idea how to fix my car. I hate machines.
modern Adjective My father thinks modern music sounds terrible.
opinion Noun What is your opinion about the problem? How should we fix it?
perfume Noun Do you like the smell of my new perfume?
population Noun Canada is a very big country, but the population is quite small.
quick Adjective We have to be quick. We don't have much time.
review Noun, Verb You shouldn't buy that laptop. I read a bad review of it online.
rough Adjective This road is rough. They should fix it.
round Adjective The sides of the phone are not straight. They're round.
salty Adjective This soup is so salty. Why did you use so much salt?
sharp Adjective The old knife isn't very sharp anymore.
shiny Adjective I love it when I wash my car. It's so shiny and clean.
shoot Verb In many video games, your job is to shoot other people.
smooth Adjective The baby's skin is so soft and smooth.
soft Adjective This bed is too soft. I prefer harder ones.
sour Adjective I think this milk is too old. It's sour.
spaceship Noun One day, we'll fly to space in a spaceship for a vacation.
spicy Adjective Too much spicy food is bad for your stomach.
square Noun, Adjective Older cars were more square than modern ones.
strap Noun I don't like that bag. It has too many straps.
stress Noun I changed jobs because my old one gave me too much stress.
sweet Adjective Green bananas aren't very sweet.
technology Noun Like it or not, technology is an important part of the world today.
temperature Noun The temperature outside is 22 degrees.
tiring Adjective My English class is so tiring. We work so hard and the teacher gives us so much homework.
trick Noun, Verb Can I show you a trick to do that faster?
useless Adjective I don't have that app on my phone now because I thought it was useless.
voice Noun The singer has a beautiful voice.
weight Noun Please don't ask me about my weight.
wide Adjective The table is not long, but it's wide.
Verb The elevator isn't working. We need to take the stairs.