The Garage
I will read

- garage
- cars
- shelf
- paint
- tools
- fix
- wrench
- engine
- pump
- tire
- door
- bikes
- all
- cool
- hello
What can you see?

Hello, I am Vic.
I am beside the garage.
It is big.

I see a shelf.
I see paint.
I see tools.

I fix cars.
I look at the engine.
I use a wrench.
I fix it.

I fix this car.
I fix that car.
I fix all the cars.

Hello, I am Nic.
I am beside the garage.
It is cool.

I see a shelf.
I see paint.
I see tools.

I fix bikes.
I look at the tire.
I use a pump.
I fix it.

I fix this bike.
I fix that bike.
I fix all the bikes.

Hello, I am Bic.
I am in the garage.
It is fun.

I see a shelf.
I see paint.
I see tools.

I fix doors.
I look at the door.
I use paint.
I fix it.

I fix this door.
I fix that door.
I fix all the doors.