I will read

- take
- carrots
- cabbage
- potatoes
- soup
- pumpkin
- beans
- corn
- chop
- them
- pot
- stir
- wash
- salt
- pepper
What can you see?

Let's make soup!
I love soup.
I love vegetable soup.

Take the carrots.
Wash them.
Chop them.

Take the cabbage.
Wash it.
Chop it.

Take the potatoes.
Wash them.
Chop them.

Take the pumpkin.
Wash it.
Chop it.

Take the beans.
Wash them.
Chop them.

Take the corn.
Wash it.
Chop it.

Take a pot.
Put in the carrots.
Stir them.

Put in the cabbage.
Stir it.

Put in the potatoes.
Stir them.

Put in the pumpkin.
Stir it.

Put in the beans.
Stir them.

Put in the corn.
Stir it.

Put in the salt.
Put in the pepper.
Stir the soup.

It's ready!
Put it in a bowl.

Use a spoon.
Eat your soup.
It's yummy.

I want more, please.
I eat all my soup.
I love soup.
Do you like soup?