
Life skills as its name suggests are abilities, knowledge, and expertise that aid us in our everyday lives. They could be essential to our survival or they could help us complete tasks with increased efficiency.


Everyone needs to know basic housekeeping skills in order to keep their homes tidy. A tidy home also leads to better mental and physical health. Studies have shown that a messy home can increase our chances of catching a cold or the flu. The accumulation of dust mites could cause coughs and sneezes. A messy home can also make us more susceptible to stress and anxiety.


Another household skill to learn is budgeting. This skill is twofold as it involves allocating resources in certain domains and being smart with purchases. For example, setting a budget for groceries is important so that this aspect of your spending doesn't spiral out of control. This is called being financially responsible. If we don't set a budget, it could be easy to overspend and go into debt.


The other part of budgeting is doing your due diligence when making purchases. This could include reading reviews and comparing prices from different stores. For big purchases and appliances, some stores will offer extra services like free installation, so make sure to take that into account too. Don't forget about coupons. Many stores and product manufacturers create coupons that will allow you to get items at a discount.


Sometimes it may feel like we need more than 24 hours a day to accomplish all our tasks. This is where we can utilise our time management skills. Plan out what needs to be done on a calendar. Then, prioritise your tasks based on when they need to be done or when they're due. If the science project is due a week before your English paper, then it may be a better choice to get your science project done first.


There are a lot of handy skills that can really save the day when you're in a pickle. One of them is sewing. If a button pops off your jeans or cardigan, all you'll need is a needle and some thread then you're good to go. Instead of tossing away clothes that are slightly torn, you'll be able to salvage some of your favourite clothes and produce less waste.


Basic etiquette is an important skill to have and continuously develop. This is important, because these skills help us with respecting and valuing others. Other people will feel more comfortable around us if we practice basic etiquette. This could include giving somebody genuine and authentic compliments, and saying "please" and "thank you." When interacting with others, it's a good idea to listen to them and not interrupt. Remember, don't ever embarrass others. Nobody wants to be put in that situation. There's no place for unwelcomed jokes and unwanted nicknames. It is also important to respect other people's time, so be punctual or give notice if you know you are running late.


We all know how important sleep is for our health, so it's not a surprise that getting good at power napping is a handy skill. It can be difficult for the modern city folk to get adequate sleep all the time. A power nap can help save the day. They should be just around 10 minutes long and done while sitting upright. These power naps are great, because you'll feel refreshed without waking up groggy from a deep sleep.


In the event of a catastrophe, how equipped are you? Do you have the essential survival skills to live through disastrous and tragic events? Some of these events may include a hurricane, earthquake, or a devastating forest fire that's beyond control. Electricity and running water may not be available for prolonged periods of time. Emergency preparedness and basic knowledge of what to do in these situations can be life-saving. It's a good idea to look up what kinds of catastrophes could occur in your area and prepare for them.


There isn't a shortcut to mastering all these life skills. It takes patience and practice to get better. If you find yourself unequipped, it's time to brush up on those life skills.


