Watch this video from CNN and answer the following questions:
- Who will be giving out condoms? What age will they start giving them out?
- What are the reasons they gave for giving out condoms?
- What will happen to a student who asks for a condom?
- Why were some parents against the plan?
- What do you think of this school district’s plan to distribute condoms to 12 year-olds?
- Is school a good place for children to be learning about sex? If not, where should they learn about it from?
- At what age should children or teenagers be learning about sex?
- Do students in your country have sex education classes? Are they useful? Do you wish they would have been different?
Some schools in the United States teach sex education, but only teach children about abstinence. Do you think this is a better way to approach sex education? Open the link above and answer these questions based on the Wikipedia entry.
- Under the Description heading, what are the 8 different features of abstinence only sex education? Which do you agree with? Which do you disagree with?
- Why do proponents of abstinence only sex education believe it is the best?
- According to the article, is abstinence only sex education effective?
Further Issues
- Is there too much sex in Canadian culture? What about in your culture? What are the benefits or drawbacks to having sex be out in the open?