Objectives & Sequence: This activity is intended to be used as a preview Grammar - Subject & Object Pronouns.

couple looking at map on street


Person 1: Excuse me, do you know where Robson Street is?

Person 1: Sir?

Person 2: Oh, I'm sorry, are you talking to me?

Person 1: Yes. Robson Street?

Person 2: Yes, it's downtown. My wife and I are going there now. Do you want to come with us?

Person 1: Oh, please.

Person 2: No problem.

Anne: Where are you going, Jack?

Jack: I'm going out to a restaurant with my grandmother.

Anne: Oh, really?

Jack: Yeah, it's her birthday today.

Anne: Cool. How old is she?

Jack: She's 95 years old.

Anne: Wow, that's amazing. Please say happy birthday to her for me.

Jack: Sure.

Jack: Do you have any brothers or sisters, Anne?

Anne: I do. I have one brother and one sister.

Jack: Do you see them often?

Anne: Well, my brother's in university in Toronto. I don't see him very often. But my sister lives here in Vancouver. I see her a lot.

Jack: What does she do?

Anne: Laura has a great job. She's a web designer. She loves it.

Jack: Cool.

Anne: Where's James?

Jack: He's outside playing basketball with some friends.

Anne: Are they playing at the park or at the school?

Jack: They usually play at the park. Do you want to go watch them?

Anne: Sure, why not?


Open Exercise One to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document. Then, go on to Exercise Two.

