
Why Are Some People Left-Handed?

Adults Science
We've got two perfectly good hands attached to two perfectly good arms, so why do most people prefer to use one over the other for common tasks?

Brian Cox visits the world's biggest vacuum chamber

Adults Science
Watch a bowling ball and a feather fall in the giant vacuum chamber. A simple experiment but it's really amazing.

What Does Sound Look Like?

Adults Science
You can actually see sound waves as they travel through the air thanks to a clever photographic trick.

Ambition - An Amazing Short Fusion Film Of Science Fiction With Science Fact

Adults Science
Ambition is a collaboration between Platige Image and ESA. Directed by Tomek Bagi?ski and starring Aiden Gillen and Aisling Franciosi, Ambition was shot on location in Iceland, and screened on 24 October 2014 during the British Film Institute's celebration of Sci-Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder, at the Southbank, London.

Paper Towel vs Hand Dryers

Adults Science
When it comes to hygiene, which should you be using? ASAPScience has an answer for you!

Giant Smoke Rings - Cool Science Experiment

Adults Science
Steve and Ellen use a trash can and a fog machine to fire giant vortex smoke rings across the Ellen DeGeneres studio.

The Science of Depression

Adults Science
What's going on inside of a depressed person?

You Can Learn Anything

Adults Science
Khan Academy is on a mission to unlock the world's potential. Most people think their intelligence is fixed. The science says it's not.

Here's Why You Should Never Thaw Your Frozen Steaks Before Cooking

Adults Science
You may find out that you've been cooking steaks wrong your entire life.

7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True

Adults Science
Blow your mind with these brain myths!

How do we smell?

Adults Science
An adult human can distinguish up to 10,000 odors. You use your nose to figure out what to eat, what to buy and even when it's time to take a shower. But how do the molecules in the air get translated into smells in your brain? Rose Eveleth charts the smelly journey through your olfactory epithelium and explains why scent can be so subjective.

The chemistry of cookies

Adults Science
You stick cookie dough into an oven, and magically, you get a plate of warm, gooey cookies. Except it's not magic; it's science. Stephanie Warren explains via basic chemistry principles how the dough spreads out, at what temperature we can kill salmonella, and why that intoxicating smell wafting from your oven indicates that the cookies are ready for eating.

What's In A Candle Flame?

Adults Science
Is a flame really a plasma? Well it depends on your definition of plasma, but there are certainly ions in a flame, formed as molecules collide with each other at high speed, sometimes knocking electrons off of their atoms.

The loathsome, lethal mosquito

Adults Science
Everyone hates mosquitos. Besides the annoying buzzing and biting, mosquito-borne diseases like malaria kill over a million people each year (plus horses, dogs and cats). And over the past 100 million years, they've gotten good at their job -- sucking up to three times their weight in blood, totally undetected. So shouldn't we just get rid of them? Rose Eveleth shares why scientists aren't sure.

How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries

Adults Science
Adam Savage walks through two spectacular examples of profound scientific discoveries that came from simple, creative methods anyone could have followed -- Eratosthenes' calculation of the Earth's circumference around 200 BC and Hippolyte Fizeau's measurement of the speed of light in 1849.

Anti-Gravity Wheel Explained

Adults Science
It's a little shaky but if you average out the oscillations I think the result is clear. Again, huge thank you's to A/Prof Emeritus Rod Cross, Helen Georgiou, Alex Yeung, and Chris Stewart, the University of Sydney Mechanical Engineering shop, Duncan and co. Ralph and the School of Physics.

Questions no one knows the answers to

Adults Science
In the first of a new TED-Ed series designed to catalyze curiosity, TED Curator Chris Anderson shares his boyhood obsession with quirky questions that seem to have no answers.

Why do we cry? The three types of tears

Adults Science
Whether we cry during a sad movie, while chopping onions, or completely involuntarily, our eyes are constantly producing tears. Alex Gendler tracks a particularly watery day in the life of Iris (the iris) as she cycles through basal, reflex and emotional tears.

When Water Flows Uphill

Adults Science
In the Leidenfrost Effect, a water droplet will float on a layer of its own vapor if heated to certain temperature. This common cooking phenomenon takes center stage in a series of playful experiments by physicists at the University of Bath, who discovered new and fun means to manipulate the movement of water.

Why Do We Yawn?

Adults Science
What makes yawning so contagious?

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment

Adults Science
The effect that you are seeing can't be seen with the naked eye. The effect only works through the camera. However, there is a version of the project you can do where the effect would be visible with the naked eye.