Baseball glove

Ball Game Words

Flashcard Games

  • Fast as rabbits
    T puts some flashcards on the board. Then a pair of students go to the board facing the flashcards. T says words (from the flashcards) and the 2 children must touch the correct flashcard as fast as they can. The winner is who touches more flashcards first.
  • Guessing Question Game
    This is good practice for asking simple questions. T hides any flash card behind his/her back and Ss try to guess what the flashcard is by asking questions: "Is it a dog?", "Is it a ball?", "Is it a book?", etc. until they guess the flashcard.
  • Give Me Game
    Teach all the words on the flashcards. Then place all the flashcards around the classroom and get students to collect them. Once the Ss have collected the flashcards T says "Give me a _______". The S with the ________ flashcard should approach the T and hand it to him/her: "Here you are".
  • Cross the River
    Place flashcards on floor in winding manner. Each represents a stepping stone in the river, as students must say word/phrase/question/etc in order to step on it and cross the river!