Lesson | Smrt English

Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Students work in groups of three to four and open the corresponding pages.

Students take turns asking and answering discussion questions.

  1. What are typhoons or hurricanes?
  2. Does the weather get really strong and dangerous where you're from?
  3. What terrible event happened in Indonesia in 2004?
  4. What happens when it rains too much in a city?
  1. What happens when a mountain has too much snow?
  2. Are you afraid of any kinds of weather?
  3. Have you ever experienced an earthquake?
  4. Why do earthquakes happen?
  1. What is the most recent natural disaster to happen in the world you have seen on TV or read about in the news?
  2. Do you like being close to nature or do you prefer cities?
  3. Which countries often experience natural disasters? Why do they happen so often?
  4. What are some different kinds of natural disasters?
  1. In your home, are you prepared for an earthquake or hurricane to happen?
  2. Would your home be okay if an earthquake shook the ground?
  3. Do floods appear where you live?
  4. Do you know anyone who experienced a bad natural disaster?