
Willy Bogner Film

Chuck Patterson is a professional skier, waterman, standup paddler, and all-around adventure-seeking lunatic who likes to charge open ocean swells in full alpine ski gear.

Turkish Ice Cream Man

This Turkish ice cream man has gotten the act of trolling down to an art. His tricks combined with his delicious ice cream always attract a crowd in Istanbul.


The official TMNT movie trailer starring Megan Fox & Will Arnett. In theaters August 8th.

Star Wars (Guardians of the Galaxy Style!)

AdultsCreativityFilmVisual Design...
When "Star Wars" Trailer Is Remade In The Style Of "Guardians Of The Galaxy", It's Awesome!

Fast Food ADS vs. REALITY Experiment

AdultsFoodVisual DesignExperiments...
Fast food generally doesn't look anything like its ads, so YouTuber Greg Benson decided to head to fast food chains to see if they could actually make food look like the pictures. You will be surprised they did so well on the second try.

Darcy Oake's Jaw-dropping escape

Danger, danger! Darcy Oake is seconds away from a messy exit to the Final.

Bowling Trick Shots

AdultsCreativitySportsInternet Culture...
Dude Perfect teamed up with the world's greatest bowler, Jason Belmonte, to demonstrate that there is more than one way to bowl a strike.

Street Football Legend Dresses Up As Old Man And Shocks Everyone At The Park

Street football legend Sean Garnier has an old man make up and shows off his insane skills.

Michael Jackson on Beer Bottles

AdultsCreativityInternet CultureMusic...
It is time for bottle monday (last monday of the month) which means, that a new video is released. We are so excited for this one, because we simply just love Michael Jackson. Billie Jean is a really great song and it is perfect for trying out our new technique: double bottle playing.

Big Hero 6 trailer

Marvel gets animated for the for the first time since Disney's acquisition in 2009. Inspired by the comic book of the same name, the story follows a young boy and his self-created robot as they fight crime in the streets of San Fransokyo.

Watch Dogs Parkour in Real Life in 4K

This will make you wanna buy the game! If there's one thing you can say about Ubisoft's marketing campaign for Watch Dogs, it's that they're trying to get the word out in really unique ways.

Amazing seven year old sings Fly Me To The Moon

Angelina Jordan is like Amy Winehouse reborn.

Boyhood - International Trailer

In 2002, Richard Linklater cast a group of actors for a film that would be 12 years in the making - and that film is almost here, it's called "Boyhood".

Action Movie Kid Goes To School

AdultsCreativityFilmVisual Design...
He gets there way faster than the school bus, but with admittedly worse hair.

Darcy Oake's jaw-dropping dove illusions

Not only can illusionist Darcy make doves appear out of nowhere, he also has an even bigger trick up his sleeve.

Built For It Trials - Stack: Largest Board Game Played with Cat Excavators

Watch Excavators Play The Largest Game Of Jenga You've Ever Seen

Action Movie Kid - Volume 01

AdultsCreativityFilmVisual Design...
As requested, here are all of Action Movie Kid's adventures thus far in one simple video. More volumes to come. Remember to subscribe to always see his latest adventures.

Angelina Jordan - Bang Bang - Norske Talenter

Angelina Jordan has such a beautiful voice.

Louie Schwartzberg: Hidden miracles of the natural world

AdultsData ScienceWorldNature...
We live in a world of unseeable beauty, so subtle and delicate that it is imperceptible to the human eye. To bring this invisible world to light, filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg bends the boundaries of time and space with high-speed cameras, time lapses and microscopes. At TED2014, he shares highlights from his latest project, a 3D film titled "Mysteries of the Unseen World," which slows down, speeds up, and magnifies the astonishing wonders of nature.

Usain Bolt vs. a Cheetah

The fastest man alive, Usain Bolt, runs a virtual race against nature's fastest land animal.

Magic for Dogs

Do dogs react to magic? Watch as magician & mentalist Jose Ahonen vanished some dog treats under their noses. By the way, all the dogs got treats before and after the trick.