
Welding in Space

In space, metals can weld together without heat or melting.

Dynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface

AdultsGadgetsTechnologyVisual Design
We realize dynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface based on two original technologies.

This Glow In The Dark Bike Path Is Powered By The Sun

Its pavement was made with solar charging luminophores.

The BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100

The BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 has self-balancing systems to keep it upright. The future of motorcycles looks incredibly exciting.

Yuki Ota Fencing Visualized Project

Yuki Ota Fencing Visualized Project

This Device Uses Water To Boost Any Engines Performance

AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyGadgets...
Bosch WaterBoost uses demineralized water injected directly into the intake port.

Can Paper Cut Wood?

Thought I'd give this a try, just to see what would happen. Kind of gives a new meaning to thin kerf blade!

Microsoft Is Bringing Movie Characters To Life

AdultsGamingTechnologyArtificial Intelligence...
HoloLens allows you to interact with animated characters in mixed reality.

Interactive Dynamic Video

Image-Space Modal Bases for Plausible Manipulation of Objects in Video" ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015) by Abe Davis, Justin Chen, Fredo Durand

How Not To Get Stuck In Traffic

Some tips on how to minimize traffic!

Can You Steal The Spirit of Ecstasy?

Mark Powell, Sales Director for Rolls-Royce Tampa Bay demonstrates the latest anti-theft technology on every new Rolls-Royce.

Where Do Your Texts Go?

AdultsData ScienceTechnologyInternet Culture
How the hell does cellphone technology work?

Robots Decorated The Outside Of This Entire Museum

The Elytra Filament Pavilion was designed by a team from the University of Stuttgart.

One Year on Earth

On July 20, 2015, NASA released to the world the first image of the sunlit side of Earth captured by the space agency's EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR satellite. The camera has now recorded a full year of life on Earth from its orbit at Lagrange point 1, approximately 1 million miles from Earth, where it is balanced between the gravity of our home planet and the sun.

GoPro: Creating Fire Rain - A Steel Wool Experiment

Rob Nelson and Jonas Stenstom from Untamed Science take us through the process of using steel wool and long exposure to create a fire rain photo.

Mark Lesek: A New and Old Prosthetic

Mark lost his arm several years ago. Now his search for a better prosthetic could improve the lives of amputees everywhere.


The GoBone keeps your dog entertained while you're busy and opens up a whole new world of play when you're together.

Introducing the self-driving bicycle in the Netherlands

This spring, Google introduced the self-driving bicycle in Amsterdam, the world's premier cycling city. The Dutch cycle more than any other nation in the world, almost 900 kilometres per year per person, amounting to over 15 billion kilometres annually. The self-driving bicycle enables safe navigation through the city for Amsterdam residents, and furthers Google's ambition to improve urban mobility with technology. Google Netherlands takes enormous pride in the fact that a Dutch team worked on this innovation that will have great impact in their home country.

FarmBot Genesis

FarmBot Genesis is humanity's first open-source CNC farming machine designed for at-home automated food production.

Researchers Use Google Glass for Autistic Kids

AdultsDisabilityTechnologyMental Health...
Stanford researchers are using Google Glass to help autistic children analyze faces in real time to interpret facial expressions. Google stopped producing the headset last year but the device has found new life among medical researchers.

Electric mountain bike eats hills for breakfast

Chris Nolte of Propel Bikes let us try out Haibike Xduro's electric mountain bike around Prospect Park in Brooklyn. It was an aggressive, muddy adventure.