NASA Is Going to the Sun! But How...and Why?
AdultsScienceSpaceTechnologyIn 2018, NASA will launch a solar probe that will travel closer to the sun than any spacecraft before. But why? What are they looking for?
Amazing Images of a Changing Earth
AdultsSpaceTechnologyWorld...Incredible before-and-after satellite images of our dynamic planet.
The Beginning of Everything -- The Big Bang
AdultsHistoryPhysicsSpace...How did everything get started? Has the universe a beginning or was it here since forever? Well, evidence suggests that there was indeed a starting point to this universe we are part of right now. But how can this be? How can something come from nothing? And what about time? We don't have all the answers yet so let's talk about what we know.
Are You Alone? (In The Universe)
AdultsLifeSpacePhilosophy...Are you alone? To answer this question we have to take a look what "you" are first. What are you made of and where you stand in this universe. Are you your body? Your atoms? And how are your parts connected to the big picture?
The Crazy Way Scientists Launch Rockets From Balloons
AdultsSpaceTechnologyScienceLarge chemical rockets are needed to launch payloads into space from the ground, but could rockoons, rocket balloons, be a more efficient alternative?
Breaking News: NASA Discovers Seven New Planets
AdultsSpaceTechnologyScience*BREAKING NEWS* NASA has just discovered 7 Earth-like planets!
Images of Our Changing Earth
AdultsPhotographySpaceWorld...Amazing before and after satellite images taken from the International Space Station show how quickly our dynamic, but fragile planet can change.
Death From Space
AdultsScienceSpaceTechnologyThere are cosmic snipers firing at random into the unvierse. What are they and what happens if they hit us?
Welding in Space
AdultsSpaceTechnologyScienceIn space, metals can weld together without heat or melting.
One Year on Earth
AdultsFilmSpaceWorld...On July 20, 2015, NASA released to the world the first image of the sunlit side of Earth captured by the space agency's EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR satellite. The camera has now recorded a full year of life on Earth from its orbit at Lagrange point 1, approximately 1 million miles from Earth, where it is balanced between the gravity of our home planet and the sun.
What Is Something?
AdultsPhysicsSpacePhilosophy...What is something? On the most fundamental level thinkable, what are things? Why are things? And why do things behave the way they do?