
How to Disagree with Respect — Not Hate | Spencer J. Cox | TED

Spencer J. Cox, Republican governor of the state of Utah in the United States, says that even in these deeply polarized times, it's still possible to disagree without hate or contempt.

These Illusions Fool Almost Everyone

A big thank you to Titus Grenyer over at Pep Organ for showing us around the Sydney Town Hall Organ, to Dr. Diana Deutsch for providing her illusions and insight into the field, to Casey Connor for advice on building sound illusions, and to Dr. Michael Bach for providing the motion-bounce illusion.

Primitive Technology: Polynesian Arrowroot Hashbrown

I made a hashbrown from Polynesian arrowroot. A hashbrown is typically made from potatoes where it is mashed and baked on a pan.

Origins of Color (Trade & Exchange)

How can the color “red” be a global commodity? How can the way a statue stands be a sign of cultural exchange?

Fallout's Cold Fusion Problem

Was #Fallout’s “artifact” really worth transporting a severed head across the wasteland?

The Truth About Petri Dishes

One of the best ways of studying bacteria is to grow them on a petri dish, but only a tiny percentage of bacterial species will grow on them.

Why Monkeys Can Only Count To Four

There’s an island in the Caribbean where David used to perform magic tricks for monkeys.

Why Reality is a “Controlled Hallucination”

There have always been hints that the brain wasn’t evolved to track objective reality, but a new, incredibly popular theory in neuroscience takes everything one step further. Not only is your brain not built for reality, you’ve never even experienced it. Noted Science Zaddy Kyle Hill explains “predictive processing.”

Primitive Technology: Making Charcoal in a Closed Pot

I made charcoal in a clay pot by putting wood in it and heat the pot externally effectively making it like a retort.

The Science of Emotions with Tony Hale

Emotions, please take center stage 🌟 Our friend Tony Hale is in our signature National Geographic yellow chair to chat with Dr. Lisa Damour about the science of emotions.

How Does Birth Control Work?

There are huge varieties of birth control methods because there are lots of different ways to disrupt the process of sperm-egg fertilization.

This Black Hole Could be Bigger Than The Universe

Black holes might create infinite universes while destroying time and space.

Primitive Technology: Geopolymer Cement (Ash and Clay)

I have made wood ash cement before under the assumption that it was the calcium in the ash that gave it its cementitious properties...

Plants Are Hardcore: Plant Anatomy & Physiology: Crash Course Biology

Plants may not seem like they’re doing much, but if you look closer, you’ll find a whole world just lurking beyond the surface.

Does Expensive Coffee actually taste better?

Coffee beans are one of the most confusing items to purchase, so over the past several weeks, I bought 20+ different kinds of coffee at different price points, visited a local roaster, tried roasting my own beans at home and tested a bunch of types of coffee in order to understand the flavor and price differences of coffee beans.

Why the Three-Body Problem is Unsolvable*

What is the THREE-BODY PROBLEM? What does it have to do with the award-winning book of the same name?

The Language Counting Paradox

Lots of languages and species are going extinct, but because others keep getting found or described, the official counts of languages and species are still increasing.

The Science of HELLDIVERS 2!

Super Earth needs you, Helldiver! But of course, you wouldn’t just willingly jump into a hellpod and drop straight into the heart of battle without asking some important questions about the science and theory behind your new career, right?

The Solar System is Beige

Whether you grew up with a poster of the solar system on your bedroom wall or not, you've probably got a specific idea of what the planets look like. From brilliantly blue Neptune to the "red planet" Mars. But if you managed to actually visit these worlds, you'd find reality... a little beige.

Inside The Sunny Center of a Hurricane

Why is the middle of a hurricane sometimes so clear and calm?

What Makes Kurzgesagt So Special?

We're finally revealing the secret sauce behind kurzgesagt videos.