
Aubergine Rogan Josh | Jamie Oliver | AD

What a brilliant way to celebrate the humble aubergine! Packed full of spices and flavor with the Patak’s Rogan Josh Paste, cooked so it's soft and buttery, this is a recipe you really need to try. This is a paid ad by Patak's.

What If You Only Ate Chips?

What if you only consumed potatoes forever?

The Raisin Bran Effect

The bottom of the cereal box is a disappointing place. But at least now you know why. Where do you see the Brazil Nut Effect around you?

Thanksgiving Leftover Hand Pies

Perfectly flavor your dish with turkey gravy from McCormick — the Official Spice of Tasty!

5 Things to do with…. Pork

Underrated and so tasty! We go back through the archives to show you some brilliant dishes to make with pork.

Mouthwatering Recipes For Junk Food Lovers

Tasty food!

How to Make Christmas Pudding | Jamie Oliver

Right guys, it's coming up to stir up Sunday, and for all you millenials that have no idea what that is then watch this video! Christmas pudding is an absolute classic, Jamie shows us his version with a few little game changing tweaks, for a lighter and more delicious crowd pleasing pudding.

The Dinosaur On Your Thanksgiving Table

Eating turkey this holiday season? Chowing down on a roast chicken? You’re eating a dinosaur!

Caffeine 101 | National Geographic

Nearly 90% of the United States population has at least one caffeinated beverage every day. Learn about the chemistry of caffeine, how it causes increased alertness and focus, and how caffeine is capable of causing overdoses.

Mega Meatball Sub | Jamie Oliver

Don’t know what to put in your sub? Don’t worry - Jamie has sorted you out with a wickedly comforting, juicy and tasty Mega Meatball Sub.

Anthony Bourdain and "the Sweet Spot" | StarTalk

Neil deGrasse Tyson asks chef, writer, and TV host Anthony Bourdain about science as applied to the kitchen and different processes used in cooking around the world to achieve the most desirable flavors.

How To Make The Best Mashed Potatoes

A step-by-step guide to creating your ultimate mash.

CHRISTMAS MEGA MIX | A Jamie Xmas/Thanksgiving compilation

We've gone back to the archives to give you all you will need to make your Christmas go with a bang. Sit back and enjoy nearly half an hours worth of Christmas crackers.

4 Sweet Potato Breakfasts

Sweet Potatoes four ways for Breakfasts.

Crispy Korma Salmon | Jamie Oliver | AD

This salmon recipe really is a game changer and a brilliant way to bring a whole world of spice to this amazing fish.

Is This Everyday Substance More Addictive Than Cocaine?

It's in a surprising amount of foods you eat everyday but just how bad is it actually for the human body?

Tasty Tries 3 Must-Have Meals in Vancouver

Tasty and American Express Pay It Plan It Present Friend In Town.

Binging with Babish: King of the Hill Special

Peggy Hill is many things: she's a mother. A boggle champ. A substitute teacher (substitute teacher of the year twice, in fact). A sculptor. A foot fetish model. A kidnapper. A survivor of a fall from 13,000 feet without a parachute. The mother of the 15th Dalai Lama. She is by her own admission, however, not a very good cook. Will her specialty dishes make it into the clean plate club?

Jamie Cooks Italy | Sausage Risotto

Three more of Jamie’s fantastic recipes from Jamie Cooks Italy are here for you to enjoy! We’ve got some really comforting dishes including the most delicious Sausage Risotto cooked on the roof of the iconic Fiat building in Turin! Make sure you watch these and try them yourself. Bellissimo!

Award-Winning Cuban Sandwich by El Cochinito

Best cuban sandwich recipe.

Easy Chicken Curry with Kanchan Koya

Easy recipes, brought from our kitchen to yours.