
0:12 / 12:36 The Future of Botany: Crash Course Botany #15

Adults Life
We’ve learned a lot about plants throughout this series, but there’s much more to discover. In this episode of Crash Course Botany, we’ll peek into the future of botany.

Chernobyl's Radioactive Puppies Need Your Help!

Adults Life
Thirty seven years after the world’s worst nuclear disaster, an incredible population of dogs remains in Chernobyl.

Why So Many Ladybugs Don't Look Like Ladybugs

Adults Life
Ladybugs are red with black spots, right? Well, not always. There's a lot of genetic and evolutionary reasons that they can be different colors with wacky patterns.

Honey hunting in the dead of night | Primal Survivor: Extreme African Survivor

Adults Life
Hazen lowers a beehive from a tall tree and plunges his hand inside to get honey.

The Single Most Important Parenting Strategy

Adults Life
Everyone loses their temper from time to time — but the stakes are dizzyingly high when the focus of your fury is your own child.

What Happens If You Destroy A Black Hole?

Adults Life
Black holes can destroy everything – but can they be destroyed? What happens if we push physics to the absolute limits, maybe even break it and the universe in the process?

The Dream of Digital Ownership, Powered by the Metaverse | TED

Adults Life
Technologist Yat Siu believes the "open metaverse" -- a decentralized version of the internet also known as web3 -- is laying the foundation for a freer, fairer, more prosperous society.

Relaxing Birdsong for Sleep and Meditation | Relax With Nature | BBC Earth

Adults Life
Relax and soothe the mind with the sounds of toucans, tanagers, hummingbirds and other spectacular bird species as they take flight in the Atlantic Rainforest.

How Do We Keep Life's Jenga Tower From Toppling?

Adults Life
Some scientists believe we are in the middle of Earth’s sixth mass extinction: a big, precarious game of Jenga that involves every ecosystem on the planet.

The Weight of “Nothing” Could Mean Everything (to Physics)

Adults Life
Deep in a Sardinian mine, researchers are constructing an experiment that hopes to solve what's known as The Worst Prediction In The History of Physics, and pin down the true identity of dark energy.

The one thing stopping jellyfish from taking over - Mariela Pajuelo & Javier Antonio Quinones

Adults Life
Dig into why jellyfish populations have increased, and how leatherback sea turtles can help get their numbers under control.

Is Bigger Better?

Adults Life
Elephants might be strong, but they are weak compared to ants because ants have certain advantages that allow them to outlift their larger competitors.

Bear Grylls shows Bradley Cooper how to cross a ravine | Running Wild with Bear Grylls

Adults Life
Bear Grylls teaches Bradley Cooper how to cross a ravine. In Running Wild with Bear Grylls, Bear is taking it up a level by teaching his celebrity guests essential survival skills that they'll have to master and then prove they can use in a high stress situation.

Why Do People Hate Koalas?

Adults Life
On the Internet, koalas get an unnecessary amount of hate, so let's debunk some of the most pervasive koala myths!

Experiencing the currents of the coral reef

Adults Life
Jeff Jenkins goes drift diving at Palancar Gardens, learning how to go with flow.

Primitive Technology: Undercover Brick Workshop

Adults Life
I built a thatched shelter to make bricks in so that they are protected from the rain before they are fired. Despite it being the dry season, it still rains unpredictably in this climate...

How Species Make and Break Friendships

Adults Life
Community ecology is the study of interactions between different species of living things, and lets ecologists examine the effects of predator-prey relationships, parasites, and mutually beneficial interactions. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll examine the myriad interspecies interactions with examples, see how keystone species impact their environment and explore how communities rebuild when they are disrupted, through the lens of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.

Creating a Food Forest | Farm Dreams

Adults Life
National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.

How To Get Venom From The World's Deadliest Spider

Adults Life
Huge thanks to the Australian Reptile Park for having us over to film – special thanks to Jake Meney for showing us the spiders and Caitlin Vine for organizing the shoot.

Life in Alaska: Keeping an eye out for salmon and bears | Alaska: The Next Generation

Adults Life
Joel Jacko checks the waterways filled with spawned salmon that are attracting an abundance of nearby animals and predators.

The Future Of Trees Is Liquid

Adults Life
We love trees, but the main problem is that they aren't exactly travel-sized. However, new technology wants to bring the fresh-air benefits of trees to places that the real deal just can't thrive, like dense urban areas!