
Can animals be deceptive?

Adults Science
A male firefly emits a series of enticing flashes. He hopes a female will respond and mate with him.

Why Do You Get Sick When It's Cold?

Adults Science
We are LIFE NOGGIN! An animated and educational web show designed to teach you all about your awesome life and the brain that makes you able to live it!

Do Fish Pee?

Adults Science
You know you’ve wondered. Do fish actually pee? And what does that make the ocean… one big toilet?

The Best Test of General Relativity

Adults Science
A launch mishap led to the best experimental confirmation of gravitational redshift.

Can You Lift Thor's Hammer in Space?

Adults Science
Only those are are worthy can lift Thor's might hammer, Mjolnir, but the Avengers' argument takes on a whole new meaning in space! So could anyone lift it there? Kyle talks weightless magic on this week's Because Science!

Inside the killer whale matriarchy

Adults Science
Pods of killer whales inhabit the waters of every major ocean on Earth.

Why Is The Very Hungry Caterpillar So Dang Hungry?

Adults Science
Because it's hoarding protein. Not just for itself, but for the butterfly it will become and every egg that butterfly will lay. And it's about to lose its mouth... as it wriggles out of its skin during metamorphosis.

Why It Is What Time It Is (The History of Time)

Adults Science
How did we come up with our system of telling time? Why do we divide the day into 24 hours of 60 minutes each, and put 60 seconds in each minute? Where does the definition of a second come from? And who decides what clock shows the correct time? There's clearly a lot of questions when it comes to time.

Are we running out of clean water? - Balsher Singh Sidhu

Adults Science
Despite water covering 71% of the planet’s surface, more than half the world’s population endures extreme water scarcity for at least one month a year.

The Dangerous Effects Of The Hyper Focus Drug

Adults Science
Adderall is known as the "study drug", and many students are abusing it to try and study. What exactly is Adderall, and are their any other drugs people are misusing to get a mental, or physical edge?

Jellyfish Acceleration | Because Science Live

Adults Science
How Jellyfish move.

Non-Invasive Brain Surgery

Adults Science
Scientists have combined ultrasound, viruses and synthetic drugs to control regions of the brain.

Ant On A Rubber Rope Paradox

Adults Science
Paradoxes are cool!

The Raisin Bran Effect

Adults Science
The bottom of the cereal box is a disappointing place. But at least now you know why. Where do you see the Brazil Nut Effect around you?

What If You Only Ate Chips?

Adults Science
What if you only consumed potatoes forever?

Floating City Physics

Adults Science
How much would a floating city weigh?

Camels Don't Mind Spines In Their Cacti | Nat Geo Wild

Adults Science
Camels have adapted to harsh desert conditions that require them to eat thorny plants.

Smoking vs Juuling

Adults Science
Juuling and smoking both contain nicotine, but is one healthier?

Can We Get Older Without Aging?

Adults Science
Nothing is guaranteed in life except death, taxes, and entropy. What do other life forms have to teach us about staying alive as we get old, and will we ever conquer death?

Five Firsts for Mars InSight

Adults Science
Mars InSight will be the first to detect seismic activity on Mars’ surface, first to measure rate of heat transmitted from interior, first to dig nearly 5m down, first to measure magnetic fields on Mars’ surface, and first to use a robotic arm to place instruments on the surface of Mars (assuming it lands of course…)

What is 1 Kilogram Now? | Because Science Live

Adults Science
How much is 1 Kilogram?