
Is Nuclear Power “Too Expensive”?

Adults Economy
The best argument against nuclear power, maybe the only real argument, is that nuclear power is “too slow” to build and is “too expensive” to finance. Is this true?

Should Airships Make a Comeback?

Adults Economy
Will we see a new generation of airships roaming our skies?

The Most Dangerous Weapon Is Not Nuclear

Adults Economy
A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place – biotechnology has been progressing at stunning speed, giving us the tools to eventually gain control over biology. On the one hand solving the deadliest diseases while also creating viruses more dangerous than nuclear bombs, able to devastate humanity.

Is capitalism actually broken?

Adults Economy
People have become increasingly worried that the threats we face today, like climate change and rising inequality, can’t be solved by a capitalist economic system. So, is that true? And if it is, can we fix capitalism or do we need to tear the system down and build a new one from scratch? Explore the different types of capitalism and the role it plays in our society.

These companies with no CEO are thriving

Adults Economy
Get to know the different kinds of co-ops, how they work, and how they differ from traditional companies.

Financial Advisor Answers Money Questions From Twitter

Adults Economy
Kevin L. Matthews II, author and financial educator, answers questions from twitter about money and spending.

Can the economy grow forever?

Adults Economy
Is infinite economic growth possible on a planet with finite resources? Explore how countries can balance efficiency with sustainability.

The true cost of gold - Lyla Latif

Adults Economy
Dig into how foreign corporations exploit African nations like Mali for their gold mining, and often rob them of proper compensation.

How To Make Your First Budget (At Any Income)

Adults Economy
Here is the second episode of The College Student's Guide To Money! In this episode, Chelsea walks you through everything you need to know to make your first budget, no matter how much money you have coming in.

How Trash Goes From Garbage Cans to Landfills (Every Step Explained) | WIRED

Adults Economy
Every day New York City picks up 12,000 tons of refuse and recycling. How does all this trash go from the garbage can to its final destination? Former New York City Sanitation Commissioner Ed Grayson is here to explain.

What is Sustainability

Adults Economy
Learn about the various ways that sustainability is defined.

Why can’t governments print an unlimited amount of money? - Jonathan Smith

Adults Economy
Explore the economic strategy of quantitative easing, where a central bank purchases bonds in order to boost the economy.

Does It Pay To Cheat?

Adults Economy
For some birds, trying to cheat your neighbors into raising your babies is just as much work - and is no more successful - than doing it yourself.

How do investors choose stocks? - Richard Coffin

Adults Economy
Explore the strategies investors use to choose stocks and learn whether it’s better to be an active or passive investor.

Releasing All 2 MILLION US Prisoners - What Happens?

Adults Economy
ig bad criminals don't seem so scary behind bars, but what if those bars opened up, and all the criminals were released back into the street?

Highest Paying Jobs You Can Do From Your Bedroom

Adults Economy
Could you believe you can get paid more for staying home than driving to a job everyday?

What causes an economic recession?

Adults Economy
How can factors like inflation, supply and demand, and interest rates trigger recessions? Learn the economic basics of modern markets.

How does the stock market work?

Adults Economy
In the 1600s, the Dutch East India Company employed hundreds of ships to trade goods around the globe.

Climate Research Offers Coffee Farmers Hope For Their Crops

Adults Economy
Guatemala's third largest export after raw sugar and bananas is coffee.

What Can You Buy With 5.7 Billion Dollars?

Adults Economy
What else could you buy with the budget of Donald Trump’s proposed border wall during this government shutdown?

How The Stock Exchange Works (For Dummies)

Adults Economy
Everyday in the news we hear about the stock exchange, stocks and money moving around the globe.