Listen to these words and repeat to practice your pronunciation.

Mariana Trench

to lure

fathoms below

deep-sea diving

vampire squid


Listen and read along to these sentences.

Because I live in the deep sea, I don't need to look pretty or have good eyesight. Eyesight means nothing down here! If you rely on eyesight, you won't survive a day in my neighbourhood.

The shallow water is a beautiful place. There's tons of sunlight, which means that plants grow all around and you get to have a lot of different neighbours. Everyone wants to live here!

It might seem like no one lives here in the deep sea but that's only because they're hiding! If you do see someone, you'd better watch out because chances are, he or she is going to eat you!

There are so many colours and patterns up here in shallow water. Everyone is all about glamour and good looks! If you don't look bright and colourful, you're not going to stand out.

Practice reading those sentences aloud and record your voice or say the sentences out to your class.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

