
We'd get soaked if we went outside. Let's stay home.


The Second Conditional: if + Past Simple, would / could + base verb

If I didn't have to work tonight, I would come with you to the party.

If they liked pizza, we could take them to an Italian restaurant.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.


The Second Conditional is used in English for two reasons:

  1. Unreal situations
  2. Unlikely situations

It is important to understand that using this grammar gives information about the speaker's opinion.

If the speaker uses First Conditional, they mean the situation is real, possible or likely in their opinion.

If the speaker uses Second Conditional, they mean they think the situation is unreal, impossible or unlikely.

First Conditional

If I see that movie, I will cry.

  • This means the speaker thinks the action see is real, possible or likely.

Second Conditional

If I saw that movie, I would cry.

  • This means the speaker thinks the action see is unreal, impossible or unlikely.

We will focus more on the difference between the First and Second Conditionals in Grammar 9-3.

The Second Conditional is used for both present and future meanings:

If he had a brother, he would have someone to play with.

If I went to France with you tomorrow, I would have a wonderful time.

She would love this food if she were here with us.

She would love the food if she came to the restaurant with us tonight.

When we use the Second Conditional, the past tense of be is were. In less formal English, some people say was, but many grammar teachers believe this is not good grammar.

If I were you, I would buy a nicer present for your mother.

He would laugh if he were here.

She wouldn't understand if she were here.

It is also common to use the Second Conditional to talk about the opposite of the truth.

If we use the Second Conditional to talk about the opposite of the truth, we can understand the truth because of the use of the second conditional. Remember, one use of the Second Conditional is to talk about things that are not real.

A: Can you help me move this weekend?

B: I would help you if I had time.

This means: I will not help you because I don't have time.

Wow, I love that car! I would buy it if I had money.

This means: I will not buy it because I don't have the money.

I would be really lonely if I didn't have my friends.

This means: I am not lonely because I have my friends.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

