Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 4-1.
Students work in groups of 3-5. During each turn, one student thinks of a job in aviation. The other students try to guess the job by asking about the various job duties through the use of "Do you have to~?". The teacher can introduce variations to the game by requiring students to use the form, "Have you got to~?" or by having students pretend that the job is something they used to do in the past, making students use the past form, "Did you have to~?"
List of Aviation Occupations
- Air Traffic Controller
- Pilot
- Airport Operator
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME)
- Airport Maintenance
- Crash Crew
- Navigation Aid Maintenance
- Aircraft Refuelers
- Ramp Attendants
- Flight Attendants
- Airport Security
- Customs and Immigration