
Six Ways To Start A Sentence

Remember these six openings and you can write anything you want!

Forms of Writing - Language Skills 6th for Kids!

We hope you are enjoying our large selection of engaging core & elective K-12 learning videos. New videos are added all the time - make sure you come back often to learn more! If you'd like us to cover any additional topics, please let us know.

Who is the fastest creature in mythology?

Witness the clash of mythology’s speediest supernaturals in an epic race and find out which creature is the fastest.

ChatGPT means the end of homework…or does it?

YouthArtificial IntelligenceFutureWriting...
With the dawn of AI chatbots like ChatGPT, kids may be wondering if the dream of someone doing their homework is becoming a reality.

How To: Technical Writing

Learn a little about what technical writing is, and how it is used.

What makes a poem … a poem? - Melissa Kovacs

What exactly makes a poem … a poem? Poets themselves have struggled with this question, often using metaphors to approximate a definition. Is a poem a little machine? A firework? An echo? A dream? Melissa Kovacs shares three recognizable characteristics of most poetry.

Valkyries: The Real Story Behind These Warriors of Legend | Fate & Fabled

Vikings were some of the fiercest fighters in human history, using their impressive battle prowess to spread Norse influence between the 8th and 11th centuries.


Learn what a simile is and take a look at some examples!


Learn about metaphors and the difference between similes and metaphors!

Cause And Effect

Learn some Keywords that show the cause and effect relationship.

Compare And Contrast

Learn about the keywords that help us compare and contrast in our writing.

Context Clues

Learn about the different clues you can find in a sentence to help you understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word!

Author's Purpose

Learn the reasons why authors write certain texts.


Learn how to find the theme or the moral of a story.

What Is A Haiku?

Hai & Ku learn how to write Haiku poems!

How to read music - Tim Hansen

Like an actor's script, a sheet of music instructs a musician on what to play (the pitch) and when to play it (the rhythm).

How To Write A Research Paper Part 5

In this video, we discuss how to revise a research paper after writing.

How To Write A Research Paper Part 4

In this video, we discuss how use your plan to write a draft.

How To Write A Research Paper Part 3

In this video, we discuss how to start researching a topic after you make a plan.

How To Write A Research Paper Part 2

In this video, we discuss how to make a plan before researching.

What Is A Character?

Characters are an important story element! In this video, you'll learn the definition of character. We'll play "Character or Not?" to see what you've learned!