Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 11-2.
Students work in pairs and open the corresponding pages below. This speaking activity practices falling intonation in question tag statements.
Students are presented with eight prompts and use these prompts to make assumptions about their partners.
Notice that on the student pages, the auxiliary verbs are in blue to help them make correct question tags.
On Student One page: If he or she is a smoker

You’re a smoker, aren’t you?
Yes, I am.

On Student Two page: Where he or she is from.

You’re from Brazil, aren’t you?
No, I’m not. I’m from Chile.

It is important that students really think about their partners and make truthful assumptions about their partners. Because of their certainty about their partners, they should be using falling intonation. If they are incorrect in their assumptions, their partners should correct them like in the second example above.
Make assumptions about your partner:
- The country he or she is from.
- The languages he or she can speak.
- The car he or she drives.
- If he or she took a shower this morning or last night.
- If he or she is wearing contact lenses.
- Where she lives in this city.
- If he or she has seen the movie, Avatar.
- If he or she studied English in high school.
Make assumptions about your partner:
- If he or she is rich.
- If he or she can understand English movies.
- Where he or she ate dinner last night.
- When he or she is leaving this country.
- If his or her family is close.
- If he or she smokes.
- If he or she has eaten dog.
- If he or she can drive well.