The English Alphabet
Alfabet bahasa Inggris
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Huruf Konsonan
- - b
- - c
- - d
- - f
- - g
- - h
- - j
- - k
- - l
- - m
- - n
- - p
- - q
- - r
- - s
- - t
- - v
- - w
- - x
- - y
- - z
Huruf Vokal
- - a
- - e
- - i
- - o
- - u
Pair work #1
Kerja berpasangan #1
Spell the following words in English to your partner and get them to guess which word you are spelling.
Eja kata-kata berikut ini dan suruh pasangan Anda menebak kata yang Anda eja.

boat - лодка

bed - кровать

dad - папа

veterinarian - ветеринар

bad - плохой

bet - держать пари

vote - голосовать

curve - дуга
Pair work #2
Kerja berpasangan #2
Say the following words to your partner and get them to write down the word that you are spelling.
Eja kata-kata berikut ini dan suruh pasangan Anda unutk menulis kata yang Anda eja.
- Teacher
- Excuse me
- Listen
- Computer
- Right
- Late
- Repeat
- Letter
- Classroom
- Exercise
- Wrong
Exercise #1
Please open the exercise to continue.
Listen and write the letter you hear.
Dengarkan dan tulis huruf yang Anda dengar.
Listen and write the combination of letters you hear.
Dengarkan dan tulis gabungan huruf yang Anda dengar.
Listen and write the letter that comes after.
Dengarkan dan tulis huruf selanjutnya.
Exercise #2
Please open the exercise Student A or Student B with your partner to continue.