Objectives and Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 1-3.
Part One
Listen to the questions for Yusuke. What are his answers?

Are you 20?
No, I'm not.

Family Name: Onishi
First Name: Yusuke
Age: 21
Country: Japan
Job: Doctor
Married: No
Phone Number: 1-509-321-7367
Email Address: yusuke.onishi@gmail.com
Part Two
Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions about yourself using the information below.
- from France
- married
- a mechanic
- 20 years old
- Mexican
- 18 years old
- a teacher
- a good driver
- Brazilian
- 21 years old
Example #1 - Partner is an English student

Are you an English student?
Yes, I am.

Example #2 - Partner is from Mexico

Are you from the USA?
No, I'm not.

Part Three
Now you and your partner work with another pair of students. First, introduce your partner to the other pair of students. Then they ask you about your partner, using the same questions as before.
- from France
- married
- a mechanic
- 20 years old
- Mexican
- 18 years old
- a teacher
- a good driver
- Brazilian
- 21 years old
Example #1 - Partner is an English student

Hello. This is my partner, Yelda.
Is she an English student?

Yes, she is.
Example #2 - Partner is from Mexico

Hello. This is my partner, Yelda.
Is she from the USA?

No, she isn't.
Part Four
Next you and your partner work with a different pair of students. But this time, do not ask each other questions. Just tell them about your partner.
- from France
- married
- a mechanic
- 20 years old
- Mexican
- 18 years old
- a teacher
- a good driver
- Brazilian
- 21 years old
- Hello, this is my partner, Yelda.
- She is an English student.
- She isn't from the USA.
- She isn't from ...
- She is...