
What Happens When You Die?

Adults Human
What happens after you die?

The Specious Present

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What is the specious present? And how do our brains perceive time?

Why do babies' eyes change color?

Adults Human
A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, doxysrkx asks, "Why are babies born with blue eyes?"

GoPro: Pelican Learns To Fish

Adults Human
After being separated from his flock during a storm, Bigbird the pelican was taken in by the staff at a safari camp. Jeffrey, the camp manager, took Bigbird out each morning to fish and developed an unlikely friendship.

Why is my voice different when I hear a recording?

Adults Human
A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Kristina Bailey asks, "Why does our voice sound different when we hear an audio or video recording of it?"

Why Do We Cry?

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Why does your face leak when you're sad or emotional?

Evolution Of Human Species

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Watch the evolution of our species in under two minutes. Learn how paleoartist John Gurche draws on fossil discoveries and forensic techniques to create transfixing reconstructions of long-lost human ancestors.

Why Do We Have To Sleep?

Adults Human
Why do we sleep? We spend a third of our lives in slumber, but science has yet to determine exactly why we have do it. Here's a look at how sleep works, why we're not getting enough sleep, what happens if you DON'T sleep, and an idea about where sleep came from in the first place.

The benefits of good posture

Adults Human
Has anyone ever told you, "Stand up straight!" or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying-but they're not wrong. Your posture is the foundation for every movement your body makes and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it. Murat Dalkilinç gives the pros of good posture.

Can You Perceive Acceleration?

Adults Human
How do our eyes scan across a landscape? Contrary to popular belief, they don't scan smoothly across a scene, they observe a series of images. The eye is capable of panning smoothly however. If something moves in your field of view, your eyes track it smoothly.

New Human Ancestor Discovered: Homo naledi

Adults Human
Within a deep and narrow cave in South Africa, paleoanthropologist Lee Berger and his team found fossil remains belonging to the newest member of our human family. The Homo naledi discovery adds another exciting chapter to the human evolution story by introducing an ancestor that was primitive but shared physical characteristics with modern humans.

This Is Your Body Over 24 Hours

Adults Human
Your body is amazing.

Do We Have to Get Old and Die?

Adults Human
We'd like to thank Focus Features for sponsoring this video - and for inviting us to pre-screen their summer 2015 film "Self/Less". It's a sci-fi flick that explores memory, consciousness, and immortality, and it made us think about the types of immortality that already exist here on Earth.

Can Technology Stop Aging?

Adults Human
In the movie Self/Less, an older man tries to stay young by uploading his consciousness to a younger body. Can technology prevent humans from aging?

Creating Bones From Glue

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Liz Bonnin discovers how artificial bone grafts are being created using an everyday item found in every schoolroom.

Why do your knuckles pop?

Adults Human
Some people love the feeling of cracking their knuckles, while others cringe at the sound. But what causes that trademark pop? And is it dangerous? Eleanor Nelsen gives the facts behind joint popping.

Could We Clone Ourselves?

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Is the science of Orphan Black realistic? Could we clone humans, or engineer them to have customized traits? We take a look at today's genetic engineering technologies to find out if designer babies and human cloning is, or should be, a reality.


Adults Human
It's the season for sneezin'!

How the heart actually pumps blood

Adults Human
For most of history, scientists weren't quite sure why our hearts were beating or even what purpose they served. Eventually, we realized that these thumping organs serve the vital task of pumping clean blood throughout the body. But how? Edmond Hui investigates how it all works by taking a closer look at the heart's highly efficient ventricle system.

Why do we get dark bags under our eyes?

Adults Human
A weekly show where we endeavour to answer one of your big questions. This week, "bored during school" asks, "Why do we get dark bags under our eyes when we're tired?"

Experiment Shows That All Of Us Are Naturally Altruistic

Adults Human
Put to work at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, Alan Alda finds out how children will help, and like it, while chimps are less inclined to offer enthusiastic assistance.