
Why every world map is wrong - Kayla Wolf

Adults World
Dig into the inaccuracies of flat maps and how different map designs can shift our point of view.

How much land does it take to power the world?

Adults World
Explore the sustainability of fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy and how much space each of these power sources use.

How much electricity does it take to power the world?

Adults World
Discover how much electricity humanity uses, and how clean energy sources could help revolutionize our energy supply in the future.

What if the World turned to Gold? - The Gold Apocalypse

Adults World
The Map of Evolution and other sciency posters, researched and designed with love, are now available on the kurzgesagt shop.

What if every satellite suddenly disappeared? - Moriba Jah

Adults World
Explore what would happen if all of humanity’s satellites disappeared and the real-life scenarios that could lead to such a catastrophe.

The rise of the Ottoman Empire - Mostafa Minawi

Adults World
Explore the early days of the Ottoman Empire, as shrewd political rulers grew the principality into an intercontinental empire.

Best Of Spring | BBC Earth

Adults World
In the first of our seasonal specials, we bring you the best spring moments from the BBC Earth archive.

The most colorful gemstones on Earth - Jeff Dekofsky

Adults World
What gives opals their signature shimmering colors? Dig into the science of the gemstone’s formation, millions of years in the making.

Which bag should you use?

Adults World
Explore the environmental impact of three types of bags— plastic, paper, and cloth— to find out how they’re made, used and disposed of.

Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated.

Adults World
This video is part of a series about climate change supported by Breakthrough Energy – a coalition founded by Bill Gates, that is working to expand clean-energy investment and support the innovations that will lead the world to net-zero carbon emissions.

Is life meaningless? And other absurd questions - Nina Medvinskaya

Adults World
Dive into Albert Camus’ philosophy of the absurd, and explore the question: if the world is meaningless, could our lives still hold value?

The Mummy's Curse | Lost Treasures of Egypt

Adults World
Archaeologists find a looted tomb and begin excavating the mummy inside, but there is a problem.

Is Success Luck or Hard Work?

Adults World
In a competitive world, tiny advantages can make all the difference.

Is the weather actually becoming more extreme?

Adults World
Explore the differences between weather and climate – what they are, how we predict them, and what those predictions can tell us.

Inside the World’s Most Expensive Hotel Room

Adults World
Come on in for a private stay at the Palms Resort, in Las Vegas' most expensive hotel room, where a private suite is $100,000 a night, and it's a 2 night minimum! This luxury hotel suite is for the wealthiest ballers who come to Vegas to party like a billionaire.

If We Aren't Too Late

Adults World
This video was made in partnership with Bill Gates. To learn more about his work on clean energy, visit

The Best Worst Energy Source

Adults World
Although coal is such an amazing energy source that we've kept using it despite the harm it causes, today we may be better poised to stop using it than at any previous time in history.

Why Being the President Actually Sucks

Adults World
You think you have a busy day, a tough life, try running the entire country.

Seven Wonders of the New World | Cosmos: Possible Worlds

Adults World
Neil deGrasse Tyson explores the 1939 World's Fair and how it inspired the late Carl Sagan.

Still Human | Nobel Peace Prize Shorts

Adults World
In war-torn South Sudan, Makur Diet knows all too well the horror of conflict. Over ten years ago, he lost his leg to a bullet.

Why Wolves Don't Chirp

Adults World
Sounds that animals make can be really different, and it turns out that there's a reason why some species communicate with certain sounds.