Listen to these words and repeat to practice your pronunciation.


a haiku


a poem

a limerick


Listen and read along to these sentences.

I'm trying to write a poem, but I'm finding it so difficult. It seems like it should be easy because poems are short, but I keep getting stuck.

I shouldn't have tried to make a poem that rhymes. What rhymes with 'heart'? I can only think of 'start' and that won't make any sense in my poem.

Giving people handwritten poems as gifts is a nice gesture because it shows that you took the time to make something special and meaningful.

The problem is, it's pretty difficult to make a good poem and a nice card. This looks like it was written by my baby brother! Maybe I should just get my brother to write it...

Practice reading those sentences aloud and record your voice or say the sentences out to your class.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Work with a partner. Follow the instructions in the document.

