Smrt Blog


New Name for Smrt Representation in Mexico


New Name for Smrt Representation in Mexico

Smrt English has operated in Mexico for 10 years under the exclusive representation by the company Canada English Academy owned by Jim Clark. After discussions with company strategists, marketing consultants, the Team in Mexico and the Smrt Board the decision has been made to create a Global Brand for Mexico and South America as Smrt Idiomas. Smrt Idiomas Brazil has existed for 10 years and now we will include Smrt Idiomas Mexico and later in 2024 Smrt Idiomas Columbia in the new brand. The product will still be Smrt English however the licensed representative company in Mexico will transfer from Canada Language Academy (owned by Jim Clark ) to Smrt Idiomas Mexico (owned by Jeremy Clark and Zach Taylor). 

The reasons for this change is to improve brand recognition globally and to operate as a unified group of companies. Also it is part of Jim Clark’s stepping back from frontline operations and affairs and part of the succession plan as he nears retirement when his son Jeremy and Zach Taylor take over global operations.  

Smrt English will all remain the same and the teachers and students will not notice any changes. The changes will be seen by administrators as we switch contracts, bank information, and government accounting requirements from Canada English Academy to Smrt Idiomas Mexico.

We expect this transition to occur over the period May 15, 2024 - May 31, 2024 with complete transfer by June 1, 2024. Isaac Rioverde will continue to head the Sales and Support Team and Angel Gallegos will be the official representative for Smrt Idiomas Mexico

Canada English Academy will still exist as an entity but will not be the exclusive Smrt English representative. 

I appreciate your understanding as we work through this and hope you agree with our new company direction and global plans.

Jim Clark 
Smrt English Ltd Canada
Canada English Academy Mexico. 

Jeremy Clark
Zach Taylor
Smrt Idiomas Mexico