On our vacation in the Europe, we went to the Netherlands, the Spain, the UK, the Germany, and the Czech Republic.
Always use the definite article with the following:
The Top / Bottom / Middle

His office is at the top of the building.

I hate sitting in the middle.

The Titanic is now at the bottom of the sea.
The Same
- I have the same boots as you!
- He wears the same work clothes every day.
The Moon, Sun, World, Sky, Ocean, Sea

The moon is beautiful tonight.

He is the best in the world.

I want to live by the ocean.

We saw a helicopter in the sky last night.
The Internet, Radio
- The Internet is very fast in this school.
- You need the Internet to use Smrt.
- I never listen to the radio. Do you?
The Police, Fire Department, Army

We should call the police.

The fire department is coming to put out the fire.

My brother is in the army.
Names of Mountain Ranges
Use the with the names of mountain ranges in English. We do not use the when saying the names of individual mountains:

The Andes are in South America.

He lives near the Alps in Switzerland.

I would like to try to climb the Mt. Everest one day.

The Mt. Fuji is in Japan.
Names of Oceans, Seas, & Rivers
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