Word Part of Speech Example
airplane / aircraft Noun They arrived in Vancouver by airplane.
airport Noun An airport is a place for aircraft to takeoff and land.
altimeter Noun The aircraft instrument for showing height above sea level is the altimeter.
arrive Verb When will they arrive?
aviator Noun An aviator is an airplane pilot.
Beech Name Beech is an aircraft manufacturer.
Boeing Name Boeing assembles jet aircraft.
centre line Noun The centre line of the runway is marked in white paint.
Cessna Name Cessna assembles light propeller and jet aircraft.
chart Noun A variety of charts are used in aviation.
control Noun, Verb The pilot controls the operation of his aircraft.
departure Noun The tower controller cleared the aircraft for departure.
domestic Adjective The domestic flight will remain within the countries borders.
emergency Noun The aircraft’s emergency exit door was open.
evacuate Verb Evacuate the runway.
fixed Adjective The fixed base operator provides aircraft rentals.
flight Noun The International flight landed runway 26.
fly Verb The aircraft was flying over the lake.
gear Noun The Cessna 172 has fixed landing gear.
grounding Noun The airport has an official aircraft grounding time.
hangar Noun The aircraft maintenance hangar is used to repair engines.
hold Verb The aircraft was told to hold short of the runway.
inspection Noun Regular visual inspections are done by the Tower controller.
instructor Noun The instructor was teaching the airport layout.
international Adjective The aircraft crossed several international boundaries.
itinerary Noun The pilot planned his itinerary for the next flight.
jet Noun The aircraft is powered by a jet engine.
layout Noun Who is teaching the airport layout.
lease Noun The Cessna 550 has a one year lease minimum.
lights Noun Taxiway lights are blue.
logbook Noun Pilots and Controllers keep a running logbook.
mechanic Noun The aircraft mechanic is replacing the jet engine.
pilot Noun The pilot did a walk around his aircraft before departing.
plane Noun The plane landed on the lake.
pre-flight Adjective The pilot does his pre-flight inspection prior to starting the aircraft.
ramp Noun The aircraft was parked on the de-icing ramp.
rent Noun, Verb The aircraft was for rent.
retractable Adjective Some aircraft have retractable landing gear.
runway Noun The aircraft arrived on runway 08L.
security Noun Airline passengers must undergo security checks.
solo Adverb The student completed her first solo flight.
sweeper Noun Maintenance crew is sweeping the runway.
take-off Noun The Airbus 380 will take-off on runway 30R.
taxiing Verb The aircraft will be taxiing along Bravo taxiway.
taxiway Noun Taxiway Foxtrot from the terminal to the runway is closed.
terminal Noun The airport terminal building provides both domestic and international services.
transportation Noun The airport provides the fastest means of transportation between cities.
time Noun Aviation utilizes the 24 hour clock and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
tower Noun The tower (Control Tower) provides control service for the airport.
training Noun Aviation requires a great deal of training in various fields, ie. pilot, controller, maintenance, etc.


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