Drowning in Noise: Sound Waves and Sea Creatures | National Geographic
AdultsAnimalsLifeNature Join Benedict Cumberbatch and Goodwill ambassador of SEA BEYOND Valentina Gottlieb to uncover the devastating impact humans make on the ocean's acoustic environment.
Solar Energy Is Even Cheaper Than You Think | Jenny Chase | TED
AdultsLifeNatureTechnology How prevalent is solar power, really? According to researcher Jenny Chase, it's already displacing fossil fuels in key energy markets around the world.
How Community-Led Research Drives Social Change | Monica Malta | TED
AdultsHistoryHumanLife What's the best way to develop and implement solutions to social problems?
Is The World Getting More Violent?
AdultsHistoryLifeWorld Ten years ago, in 2014, we released a video titled "Is War Over?". Back then, the question didn’t seem so naive. It seemed violent conflict was on the decline and the world more peaceful than ever.
Why Don't Snakes Poison Themselves?
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureBiologyScience... Many animal species stuff themselves with toxic chemicals for protection, which forces them to use a handful of distinct strategies to avoid becoming victims of their own weapons.
Tsunami: Race Against Time (Full Episode) | The Big One | National Geographic
AdultsHistoryLifeNatureNatural DisastersSurvivalScience... A massive earthquake off the Indonesian coast generates a huge tsunami. It makes landfall within minutes. Caught unaware, people fight to survive.
Bears Caught Getting a Midnight Snack in Night Vision | BBC Earth
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureWildlife... Usually solitary animals, these brown bears have been found congregating and tolerating each other for just one reason: to eat rubbish.
Crash Course Political Theory Preview
AdultsEducationLifePolitics Welcome to Crash Course Political Theory! Over the next 13 episodes, Ellie Anderson will introduce you to the perspectives of political thinkers past and present, and explore how political theories apply to the most burning questions of our time.
Let go of labels. Transform your life.
AdultsHealthHumanPsychologyLifeSelf... Don’t call yourself “a writer,” just write. Ryan Holiday on how the labels you give yourself can hold you back.
Why Do Butterflies Bother Being Caterpillars?
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureEvolutionBiology... It seems wild that some animals basically trade in their bodies for new ones during their lifetime, but it's actually really common – and it makes a lot of sense.
Protecting Our Oceans With Auli'i Cravalho | Nat Geo Pristine Seas
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureOceanCultureEnvironment... Join @auliicravalho, the voice of #Moana, in conversation with @natgeopristineseas specialist Courtney Lorey about all things oceans, including Moana’s new adventure and why we need to protect this natural wonder.
Tired of Doomscrolling?
AdultsHealthHumanLifeEnvironmentMental HealthSocietyTechnology... Being a human in the 21st century often feels frustrating. We are clearly at the high point of our species, while at the same time life is incredibly hard! We are divided, unable to solve our problems while creating new ones, destroying our world in the process.
Historian Answers Wild West Questions | Tech Support | WIRED
AdultsHistoryHumanLifeCulture... Historian Mark Lee Gardner joins WIRED to answer the internet's burning questions about the Wild West era.
Famished Leopard Traps Impala | Big Cats 24/7 | BBC Earth
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureWildlife... In order to capture its prey, a predator must wait for precisely the right moment.
How To Take A Dinosaur's Temperature
AdultsAnimalsHistoryLifeScience... Despite the seemingly basic things we don't know about dinosaurs, we do know some surprising things – like their body temperatures.
The Ocean Has Weather Too And It's Weird
AdultsLifeNatureWeatherScienceEnvironmentEducationOcean... Prepare to support and help sustain healthy coastal and marine ecosystems with a focus on community impact by earning a Master of Science degree in Coastal and Marine Science and Management.