
What Is Misinformation?

What types of misinformation might we see online? And why is it out there? KN contributor Aubrie Chan animated this video to help you understand the term better.

What Cheese makes the best Mac & Cheese?

Today, I want to answer a question I’ve been wondering about for years, and that is What cheese makes the best Mac & cheese?

New UFO "Evidence" vs. SCIENCE

Are we alone? Have aliens visited Earth? An age-old question that has been reignited by recent declassified UFO/UAP footage and intriguing ‘whistleblower’ congressional hearings.

Animals Up Close

In Animals Up Close, wildlife filmmaker Bertie Gregory travels the world braving extreme environments to reveal the wonders of wildlife in even the most remote of locations. 219 days in the field posed no shortage of challenges for him and his team, but the often unpredictable conditions led to some incredible once-in-a-lifetime animal experiences.

Why the Smell of Steak matters more than its Color.

Why the Smell of Steak matters more than its Color.

The Truth About Space Combat

George Lucas and the release of Star Wars in the 1970s unintentionally set a precedent for how almost every single piece of sci-fi media would depict space combat.

How a young Bill Clinton made waves during his presidential campaign | Rewind the '90s

New to the scene, here's how "Clinton's War Room" revolutionized media management in politics.

The World's Longest Beak

The sword-billed hummingbird has exclusive access to food that other birds simply cannot reach, but having such a long bill does have its drawbacks.

Could aliens exist? Here’s how likely it may be | CBC Kids News

On July 26, a retired American air force intelligence officer claimed that the U.S. is hiding knowledge about unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

We Have Too Many Puppies!! And We Love Them ALL!

How do you feed five tiny puppies at the same time?! These little pups are too young to even go to foster homes. We'll have to take extra care of them to help them get big — especially after poor little Yellow gets sick!

Try Not To Laugh At These Funny, Cute Animals | Dodo Kids | Animal Videos

These animals are all being wildly silly, and that's why we love them! See a dog obsessed with snow, a mini horse who needs ALL the attention, and a lizard who just wants one little worm, please!

Titan Implosion Explained with a Soda Can

On June 18th, 2023, OceanGate’s Titan submersible imploded near the wreck of the Titanic. Why? This simple experiment that you can do at home demonstrates the terrifying power of the ocean that ultimately ended Titan’s expedition.

How This Guy Became The Best Rock Skipper On The Planet | Obsessed | WIRED

Kurt Steiner is record holding champion stone skipper—and a master of the physics that underpin the sport. A labor of love that's evolved into a world-class passion, see where Kurt harvests his preferred rocks, the qualities he seeks in them, and each factor he considers in order to throw like a pro.

Kung Fu, Star Trek and the Many Paths to Spirituality | Rainn Wilson

Do you feel overwhelmed by the complex issues facing our world, not to mention your own personal problems? Spirituality is the key to staying grounded and hopeful -- even for skeptics, says actor and author Rainn Wilson.

Real Or Fake?

YouthHow-toInternet CultureLanguage...
Maggie showed us three types of misinformation you might find on TikTok and tips for spotting them.

Sneaker Expert Jeff Staple Answers Sneaker Questions From Twitter

Renowned sneaker expert and designer Jeff Staple answers your sneaker-centric questions from Twitter. Why do Air Jordans remain so enduringly popular?

Mark Hamill Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

"The Machine" star Mark Hamill takes the WIRED Autocomplete interview and answers the web's most searched questions about himself. How did he win the role of Luke Skywalker?

Halle Bailey Sits Down with Nat Geo Explorer Aliyah Griffith | National Geographic

Executive Editor Debra Adams Simmons sits down with Halle Bailey, “Ariel” in Disney’s new movie The Little Mermaid, and Aliyah Griffith, Marine Scientist, National Geographic Explorer, and Founder of Mahogany Mermaids.

Why I Cook Meat Straight from the Freezer

One of the most annoying and frustrating problems as a home cook, is looking into the fridge on a weeknight and realizing either, the protein you got earlier this week is past the freeze-by date, you have no protein in the first place, or the pack of chicken you threw into the freezer is hours away from being thawed.

How to Make Money on YouTube with 20M Subs

In 2023, Kurzgesagt has existed for 10 years (which is insanely long in internet years).

The Business Behind Kurzgesagt

In 2023, Kurzgesagt has existed for 10 years (which is insanely long in internet years).