Why A Sausage Can Do What Your Gloves Cannot
Youth Science
Dig into the science of touchscreens, and find out the difference between the two most common types: capacitive and resistive.
What Does A Black Hole Sound Like?
Youth Science
FreeSchool Presents: a closer look at black hole sounds.
What Is Ocean Stratification?
Youth Science
The ocean has layers that mix—sometimes. What are the layers made of? And why is it bad news when they don’t?
Intro to Geology
Adults Science
Geology is the study of planet Earth, its origin and evolution, its fundamental structure, the properties of minerals, rocks, and fluids of which it is composed, and the evolution of its biosphere.
Youth Science
What exactly is CRISPR Cas9? Find out in this science-ified version of "7 Rings" by Ariana Grande, by 8th graders from The Nueva School.
The Most Extreme Explosion in the Universe
Adults Science
Supernovae are the most powerful explosions in the universe, unleashing enough energy to outshine galaxies. We have no real metaphor for their power – if the sun were to magically go supernova it would feel like you were being hit by the energy of a nuclear explosion, every second. For weeks.
Plants In Space!
Youth Science
Dr. Anna-Lisa Paul and Dr. Robert J. Ferl put weeds in unique situations to study their behaviour on a molecular level.
How We Learned That Water Isn't An Element
Adults Science
For thousands of years, water was thought to be an element. That is, until some of the greatest chemists in the world managed to crack it open.
Make Dinosaur Eggs At Home!
Kids Science
With a little effort, you can create some amazing frozen dino eggs.
The world depends on a strange collection of items. They're not cheap
Adults Science
This government warehouse keeps our entire society up to standard.
How Do Oysters Make Pearls?
Youth Science
Explore how oysters use calcium carbonate to create pearls, and how this chemical compound creates a vast array of other materials.
What Does Endemic Mean?
Kids Science
Kids News contributor Saara Chaudry explains the term endemic.
Veritasium's Derek Muller Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
Adults Science
Veritasium's Derek Muller answers the web's most searched questions about himself. Where did the name 'Veritasium' come from? Is Veritasium a real element? Where does Derek live? Is he married? What was Veritasium's first video? Derek answers all these questions and much more!
The Robot Boot That Learns As You Walk
Youth Science
Exoskeletons, devices designed to augment and enhance mobility, are fast becoming a reality, thanks to an explosion in research in recent years.
The Foods That Can Improve Memory
Youth Science
Memory is our ability to recall information from the recent or distant past. But can what we eat affect how well it works?
What if We Replaced Nuclear With Potatoes
Adults Science
Energy use can be confusing – I mean, how do you compare gasoline in your car to electricity piped to your house? That's why we made these things spud-tacularly simple.
The Future Of Diabetes
Youth Science
Diabetes poses a huge burden on families and healthcare systems - even with access to cutting-edge technology.
How To Make Rock Candy
Kids Science
We show you just how to make your own sugar crystals which double up as yummy rock candy!
Catching A Human With A Giant Glue Trap
Youth Science
The group try to run through a human-sized roach motel that features a giant glue trap!
Are Hurricanes Getting Stronger?
Youth Science
Although we’ll never see a Category 6 hurricane, data does show that more hurricanes are becoming more severe.
Why Do Things Float In Space?
Kids Science
Today, Jessi and Sam the Bat learn about the weird ways things like fire and water behave when they are in space.