
The world's largest carnivorous marsupial | Australia Zoo Life

Youth Animals
We welcome two amazing Tasmanian devils into their new habitat and find out a little bit more about these interesting Australian natives.

Uncovering the Secret Lives of Urban Bats

Youth Animals
Bats are notoriously elusive animals, only emerging when the darkness of the night protects them. Join zoologist and wildlife presenter Yussef Rafik as he tries to track down these mysterious mammals.

Behind the scenes: How zoos care for animals in a heat wave | CBC Kids News

Youth Animals
As the summer comes to an end, here’s a look at how the record-breaking heat caused zoos around the world to adapt. From a sanctuary in Pristina, Kosovo, to a zoo in Phoenix, Arizona, zookeepers had to work hard to keep their animals from overheating.

Partula Snails

Youth Animals
Learn about these endangered snails.

Relaxing Birdsong for Sleep and Meditation | Relax With Nature | BBC Earth

Youth Animals
Relax and soothe the mind with the sounds of toucans, tanagers, hummingbirds and other spectacular bird species as they take flight in the Atlantic Rainforest.

Do Kangaroos Go To The Gym?

Youth Animals
Theo, the particularly buff kangaroo, may look tough but is a softie at heart. Bindi and Chandler introduce us to Theo and his friends at the Crocodile Hunter Lodge.

Spy Octopus Helps A New Friend

Youth Animals
To avoid predators a coconut octopus needs to think quick but with 9 brains that should be easy...and Spy Octopus is at hand to lend a helping tentacle.

Glove-Training A Hawaiian Hawk

Youth Animals
Chris Cooper helps with glove training a majestic, but reluctant, ‘Io (Hawaiian hawk), named Maka’io.

Ice Blocks For The Elephants!

Youth Animals
Bindi and Chandler are joined by Luke to whip up some special elephant ice blocks.

Pants On Frogs?

Youth Animals
A team of researchers from Stanford University in California recently took on the unusual task of making tiny pants for rainforest frogs. Watch to find out why!

Why Did Megalodon Go Extinct?

Youth Animals
Dive into the ocean’s depths to see how the gigantic megalodon ruled the seas, and find out what caused its extinction.

Clownfish Teamwork

Youth Animals
A family of saddleback clownfish have found an excellent home, however, they need a place to lay their eggs.

Using Lasers To Disperse Ravens

Youth Animals
Chris uses one of the world's only remotely-fired lasers to safely disperse a gathering of thousands of ravens in the middle of the California desert.

Banding A Baby Bald Eagle

Youth Animals
Christian helps a team of experts band DC9, a baby bald eagle, which is no small feat.

The Real Reason Ghost Catfish Shimmer Like Rainbows

Youth Animals
The cause of ghost catfishes’ rainbow shimmer has been hidden in plain sight all along.

What's So Special About A Woodpecker's Tongue?

Youth Animals
Dr. Alex Bond explains one of the adaptations that makes woodpecker's tongues so fascinating.

A Lesson In Impermanence: Beavers

Youth Animals
An engaging, insightful, and educational video for waking up with a soothing narration guiding us through the role of a beaver in its interconnected, natural habitat.

What Is A Sea Bunny?

Youth Animals
Scientist Suzanne Williams explains what these cute little creatures are.

Can Zoos Save Species From Extinction?

Youth Animals
Dig into the breeding program that saved Takhi horses from extinction, and explore the role of zoos in animal conservation.

Microworlds: Unsung Pollinators

Youth Animals
When it comes to pollinating flowering plants, bees and butterflies tend to get all the glory, but ants, flies, wasps, beetles, and more are also hard at work.

Do Butterflies Taste With Their Feet?

Youth Animals
Butterfly and moth expert Dr. David Lees explores what we know about butterflies’ sense of taste.