
Magic Wand

Magic Wand

  1. Foam or paper stars (2 per student)
  2. Wooden sticks/dowels/chopsticks
  3. Ribbons
  4. Colourful paper
  5. Glitter paint
  6. Origami paper
  7. Glue


Step 1

Step #1

Give each child 2 foam (or paper) stars and let them paint them. Add glitter for an even more magical effect.

Step 2

Step #2

Leave the stars to dry.

Step 3

Step #3

Take a sheet of origami paper and fold it almost in half. One side should be bigger than the other. Take another sheet and do the same.

Step 4

Step #4

Place one folded sheet inside the other and turn them over.

Step 5

Step #5

Place a dowel onto the paper and tape the top and bottom ends.

Step 6

Step #6

Fold the extra end up over the dowel and start rolling the dowel up the paper.

Step 7

Step #7

Once you reach the end, tape the paper down.

Step 5

Step #8

Attach some ribbons to the non-papered end of the dowel.

Step 6

Step #9

Attach one star with tape.

Step 7

Step #10

Glue the other star and attach it to the wand.

Step 5

Step #11

Leave the wand to dry and try out some “Abracadabra” moves with it.
