In this unit, you will prepare a 5-10 minute oral presentation to present in front of the class.

Research the process of how something is made, for example, pencils, maple syrup, beer, etc. Make sure to choose something that interests you. Find plenty of visuals to illustrate the process. Using the specific structures studied in Writing 7-1, present your findings to the class in the form of a Google Docs presentation. Keep in mind that this is descriptive and NOT instructional; do not make a presentation teaching your classmates how to cook pancakes or pitch a tent. Give a presentation explaining how something is produced.

Tips for a successful presentation:


  • Greet your audience
  • Make eye contact
  • Use visual aids
  • Logically connect your ideas
  • Speak clearly
  • Keep a good pace
  • Practice pronunciation beforehand
  • Say "thank you" to indicate that you have finished


  • Don’t read
  • Don’t memorize
  • Don’t stare at one person
  • Don’t turn your back on the audience
  • Don’t race through your presentation
  • Don't say "I'm finished" at the end