Read the following text:

A certain degree of stress is unavoidable in life. But the pressures of modern, urbanized societies can push stress to dangerously high levels. While we can’t completely eliminate stress, we can learn to modify our behaviour in ways that lessen its harmful effects on our minds and bodies. Experts have identified a number of indicators that affect our vulnerability to stress. Some of them have to do with physical factors, some are related to mental and emotional behaviours, and some have to do with nutrition.

The following questionnaire was developed by psychologist researchers at the Boston University Medical Centre, to evaluate vulnerability to stress, and to highlight those areas in which improvement can be made.

To answer the questionnaire, rate each item according to how often it is true of you. Answer all the items, even if they seem not to apply.

Guessing unknown words. Discuss with another student what you think the following words might mean.

Ask yourself what parts of speech they are. Is there any part of the word you recognize which might be a clue to meaning?

  • urbanized
  • eliminate
  • modify
  • indicators
  • vulnerability
  • nutrition
  • evaluate
  • highlight


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