
Does anyone know whose car this is?

Question Words

What / Which / Whose + Noun

When making questions, students often get confused with the words, what, which, and whose.

  • What, which, and whose are usually used with nouns.
  • Which and what are often both possible, with little difference in meaning.
  • Which is preferred when the speaker is thinking of a limited number of choices.
  • Whose is used when asking about possession.
What Which Whose
What kind of car did you drive? Which computer here is yours? Whose coat is that?
What size pants will you buy? Which street should I take: Main or Pender? Whose glasses are these?
What kind of pasta did you eat? Which country are you from: Canada or the USA? Whose house do yo live in?

How + Adjective / Adverb

How can be used with adjectives and adverbs:


How far is Whistler from Vancouver?

mother and daughter

How much did you pay?

in the plane

How many times have you flown on an airplane?

friends with beers

How often do you drink?

doctor and kid

How tall are you?

heavy shopping bag

How heavy is your bag?

kids running

How fast can you run?


How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Direct & Indirect Questions

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