Why doesn’t the Leaning Tower of Pisa fall over?
Adults Human
Dig into the 800 year history and architecture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and find out what gives the tower its infamous tilt.
What Happens To Your Body During Stage Fright?
Adults Human
What does stage fright really do to us? Why do our nerves get the best of us when performing?
Employee Missing for 10 Years Found Inside Supermarket
Adults Human
Would you be okay with grocery shopping at a store with a corpse behind the walls for 10 years? In today's video we are looking at how an employee went missing in a supermarket for 10 years before the body was discovered.
Primitive Technology: 4 years of primitive technology
Adults Human
4 years of primitive technology.
What Happens After You're Released From Prison?
Adults Human
Getting out of prison for some people can bring about a long list of complications. Would society treat you the same? What really happens once you're released from prison?
Game theory challenge: Can you predict human behavior?
Adults Human
Solve this classic game theory challenge: given integers from 0 to 100, what would the whole number closest to ⅔ of the average of all numbers guessed be?
Why Are Adults Bad At New Languages?
Adults Human
Learning a new language as an adult is harder than doing so as a child because adults usually aren’t as invested and often use the wrong strategies.
Why haven’t we cured arthritis?
Adults Human
Get to know the science behind what causes the stiff, creaky joints of the most common forms of arthritis and what you can do to prevent it.
Highest Paying Jobs You Can Do From Your Bedroom
Adults Human
Could you believe you can get paid more for staying home than driving to a job everyday?
Why Trees Are Out to Get You
Adults Human
Huge thanks to all the YouTubers who organized this.
How to 3D print human tissue - Taneka Jones
Adults Human
Explore the science of bioprinting, a type of 3D printing that uses bioink, a printable material that contains living cells.
How to Colonize The Outer Worlds | Because Space
Adults Human
In The Outer Worlds humanity has built colonies on the farthest reaches of the galaxy. But what truly stands in the way of humanity making our place in the stars?
What if We Nuke a City?
Adults Human
Learn more about nuclear weapons and what you can do to stop them
How The Modern World Tricks Our Bodies Into Hurting Themselves
Adults Human
The same enzyme that used to save us is now killing us because the body reactions it catalyzes now cause more harm than good.
Crossing US border
Adults Human
Some people have risked their lives trying to cross the American-Mexican border, but what are some of the craziest ways people have attempted to get past border patrol?
Peatlands Critical In Climate Change Fight | National Geographic
Adults Human
Peatlands lock in more carbon than forests—and a new mapping effort suggests that the Democratic Republic of Congo’s might be the world’s largest.
How to triple your memory by using this trick
Adults Human
Do you recall studying for your exams? You probably do. But do you remember how you studied, how you memorized French words or the year of the American civil war?