
The secret student resistance to Hitler - Iseult Gillespie

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Learn the story of the WWII student resistance group, called the White Rose, fighting against Hitler in Nazi Germany.

The Secret Global Sewer System

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Ditches and drain pipes help crops survive but can negatively impact the broader landscape.

Could The US Citizens Fight Off The US Military?

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Today we are revolting against the government, and the military has come to shut us down.

What Was Being An Adult Like In The 70s?

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What was being an adult like in the 1970s? Did boomers have an easier time living?

How do viruses jump from animals to humans?

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Discover the science of how viruses can jump from one species to another and the deadly epidemics that can result from these pathogens.

The Tiny Creatures You Didn't Know You Were Drinking

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Billions of tiny new friends. Just think of it like that...

The Bacteria That Made Life Possible Are Now Killing Us

Adults Human
Thanks to the St. Croix Watershed Research Station for sponsoring this video!

Why Do We Cringe?

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I posted cringe, but it's educational!

Tiny Bombs in your Blood - The Complement System

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One of the key players of our immune system is the complement system. An army of millions and trillions of tiny bombs, which work together in a complex and elegant dance to stop intruders in your body.

What's The Dirtiest Room In Your House?

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We're talking about germs, okay? How gross are we talking?

The Bacteria That Made Life Possible Are Now Killing Us

Adults Human
Thanks to the St. Croix Watershed Research Station for sponsoring this video!

A brief history of cannibalism

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Human cannibalism is a lot more common than you might think. Dive into its complex history and see its uses in medicine, cultural rituals and in times of survival.

What Shark Is Attacking Tourists?

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After multiple attacks in the tourist hot spot, the Seychelles, researchers try to determine which type of shark is the culprit.

Ancient Rome’s most notorious doctor

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Learn about the Greek physician and philosopher Galen of Pergamon, whose experiments and discoveries changed medicine.

Why Apollo Astronauts Trained at a Nuclear Test Site

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Apollo astronauts trained in nuclear bomb craters at the Nevada National Security Site. But why?Thanks Audible!

What Does Xanax Really Do To Your Body?

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What is Xanax or Alprazolam? A popular drug of choice for teens and adults has some pretty bad side effects when used incorrectly.

Why We Should Invest In Rat Massage

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Basic research can seem wasteful, but it's actually a great economic investment.