Classic ice breakers you can use with all learners
TeachersSpeakingTeacher CafeEducation...Ice breakers have the ability to help students become comfortable and establish a positive learning environment. In the article, there are five old favourites that work to get any class energized.
Use Technology to Help Students Learn
TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyEducation...There are a lot of ways technology can help ESL students learn. Here you will discover ways to use technology in your classroom to help students further their language learning.
Inspiring students with learning disabilities to take up a language
TeachersDisabilityTeacher CafeEducation...With a different approach, language lessons for students with special education can be inclusive, exciting and relevant. Adapting lessons so they include more visual and audio aspects could help when teaching languages to young people with learning difficulties.
Culture of cruelty: why bullying thrives in higher education
TeachersCulturePsychologyTeacher Cafe...In an environment where discussion, debate and criticism are encouraged, undermining behaviour can flourish. Read the full article posted by Sam Farley and Christine Sprigg at the following link.
Four Activities to Jump-Start Teamwork Among Teachers and School Leaders
TeachersLeadershipTeacher CafeEducationThe article written by Gayle Allen suggests that school leaders and teachers can overcome the challenges they face with innovation, connections and understanding.
Dealing with Challenging Students
TeachersRelationshipsTeacher CafeEducation...A quick review of of strategies that can be used to deal with challenging students in the classroom. In the article by Mark Boynton and Christine Boynton you will read about relationship, academic and disciplinary strategies.
Chrome Extensions for Teachers, Students and Academics
TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyEducationA website with a list and links for 15 user-friendly Google Chrome extensions to make a positive difference in your educational experience online.
Public Webcasts
TeachersEducationTeacher CafeMediaEDUCAUSE 2014 Annual conference has sessions that you can view live, or in recorded forms. Topics for the sessions range from "Flipping Out over the Flipped Classroom?" to "Badging to Support Professional Development and Career Building".
TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...A vocabulary learning platform with images, games and activities for all types of classrooms. A resources for teachers and students to practice vocabulary.
Curbing Cheating
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationRead through the articles and find workable strategies to problems involving students who cheat. There are articles on prevention, plagiarism and problem behaviours.
Games and Activities for Large Classes
TeachersGamingTeacher CafeEducation...A great website with a variety of tested games and activities for teachers with large groups of students.
Netflicks Academy
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeTV...The Best Educational Videos Available for Streaming, and article by Michael J. Petrilli has been collecting the best titles in terms of education. These kid-friendly topics will please both students and parents alike.
Alternative to Homework: A Chart For Teachers
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationRe-think the learning process with the strategies presented in the chart. Try one of the alternative activities today with your class instead of the traditional homework assignment.
TeachersSpeakingTeacher CafeTechnology...An online digi-recorder that is probably one of the most user-friendly. Record-Stop- Email. A voice recording website where you record a message and email it to yourself. Try it with your class today.
TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyEducationShowMe is an online learning community where anyone can learn and teach any topic. The iPad app lets you easily create and share video lessons. Get the app now and start learning and teaching. Make sure you try Markup by ShowMe.
Why Storytelling in the Classroom Matters
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationCreativityThere is plenty of information in this article written by Matthew James posted in July. Read about everything from how to become a better storyteller, interactive storytelling to all the benefits.
The Neuroscience Behind Stress and Learning
TeachersNeuroscienceTeacher CafeEducation...Activities for learning at all ages. Short stories and videos with real questions asked by kids about things everyone wants to know about.
Ship or Sheep?
TeachersSpeakingTeacher CafeEducation...Pronunciation practice with minimal pairs. This website has the image, phonetic symbol and pronunciation for each word. Great practice for students of all ages.
Cambridge Webinars
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationA wide range of free webinars for teachers. Review the dates, times and topics listed on the website. Support material is also provided in pdf form along with detailed instructions on how to access and how to view recorded webinars.
TeachersProductivityTeacher CafeEducationTrello is a great tool for group projects, day planners and personal use. It will keep students organized and on track through each step.
Flubaroo- A New Add-on in Google Drive
TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyEducationTransform your grading using the Add-on tool in Google. Flubaroo takes online assignments and evaluates them. It has the ability to send the results to students with or without answer keys. Learn more about it and do not forget to watch the video!