
Discussion Topics for Adults

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationLanguage
One key goal almost every adult ESL student shares is gaining the ability to speak English with others. Luckily, they come to the classroom with a unique advantage. They have life experience.

The Best Websites For Creating Online Learning Games

TeachersGamingTeacher CafeEducation...
A collection of free and useful tools for creating games. Try them with students and have them follow directions and practice tasks to reach their learning goals all in fun and exciting ways.

ELA Lesson Reflection

TeachersTeacher CafeEducation
Short videos on lesson reflection and other topics inside the classroom for educators to gain insight and clarity of their own teaching styles and classrooms lessons.

4 Tips Teachers Can Use to Practice Self-Care and Set Boundaries

TeachersProductivitySelfTeacher Cafe...
It's hard to strike the right balance between helping individuals and making sure that you can complete the task that affect all your students, but we hope that the following tips can help you get there.

Three Ways to Engage Students In and Outside the Classroom

TeachersCreativityTeacher CafeEducation
When students become directly engaged in the learning process, they take ownership of their education. The following learning activities have helped to engage students in and outside the classroom. These strategies also help to keep your teaching relevant, fresh, and creative.

TED-Ed Blog

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationMedia
From sports to samurai, here are lessons that bring the classroom to life. A series of online videos featuring lessons worth sharing.

The Best Websites For Developing Academic Skills and Vocabulary

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationInternet Culture...
The latest from Larry Ferlazzo's collection of The Best....series of lists. This list of academic English resources will help English Language Learners and native-English speakers alike in developing a mastery of academic English.

Online Resources For Students Not Literate In Their Home Language

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...
Students not literate in their home language can have challenges, including the fact that most online resources require some degree of literacy. Here are a few online resources that can be helpful.

Mastering the Art of Presenting

TeachersLeadershipTeacher CafeEducation
Being able to give an effective presentation is essential to your career success. Christine Kelly, provides pointers on how to do so.

7 Good Resources For Learning About Mount Everest

TeachersNatureTeacher CafeWorld...
Here are a group of resources to consult when teaching about Mount Everest and the surrounding area.

10 Free Apps and Tools for Staying Organized

TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyEducation
Get ready to start the next school year off right with being organized. There is no one-size-fits-all. It is all about finding something that works for you and pick something that you can and will actually use. There are lots of options for you to choose from.

25 Attention Getters To Calm A Noisy Classroom

TeachersTeacher CafeEducation
Teachers, we all know the value of having good attention getters to calm a noisy classroom. Here is a list of several of the best attention getters in one place.

The Cycle Of Reflective Thinking

TeachersTeacher CafeEducation
As a teacher, you do a thousand things a day- it's high time that you stopped, took stock in you're doing, you're doing it, and it's going. It's a cycle, which means it can be practiced and refined.

Using Emojis to Teach Critical Reading Skills

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeTechnology...
Internet- inspired trends may not seem important, but the way students seamlessly navigate emoji usage is similar to critical reading skills practiced in class. Emojis offer an engaging opportunity to transfer digital skills to a written context.

9 Ed-Tech Tools to Help Boost Essay Writing

TeachersTeacher CafeWritingEducation
Essay writing is an import skill. Check out these nine tools that can help your students become empowered learners.

Ten New Videos About The Total Solar Eclipse

TeachersScienceTeacher CafeEducation
Here is a range of different video resources about the total solar eclipse.

6 Ed Tech Tools To Try Out

TeachersEducationTeacher CafeTechnology
These are six hand-picked resources for teachers that deserve more attention. These are not all brand-new tools, but each one brings something special to the classroom.