What If You Never Forgot Anything?
AdultsNeuroscienceScienceHumanHow does memory work? And how does... un-memory work? Our brain does a lot of remembering and forgetting every day, so you should probably make room for som info on how it works.
97% of Climate Scientists Really Do Agree
AdultsEcologyGlobal WarmingHumanDo 97% of climate scientists really agree that humans are the main cause of climate change? Yep! Here's what the 97 percent statistic *really* means.
How Smart Are You? (TEST)
AdultsHumanMental HealthAre you actually a genius? Test your intelligence.
What are mini brains? - Madeline Lancaster
AdultsBiologyHumanScienceShielded by our thick skulls and swaddled in layers of protective tissue, the human brain is extremely difficult to observe in action. Luckily, scientists can use brain organoids - pencil eraser-sized masses of cells that function like human brains but aren't part of an organism - to look closer. How do they do it? And is it ethical? Madeline Lancaster shares how to make a brain in a lab.
Why Do You Love Your Family?
AdultsFamilyHumanSociety...Why do we love people we're related to? Compared to strangers, why do we feel such a deep sense of connection with our family members? Sure, they're nice to us, we take care of each other, and we often live with them, but there has to be a deeper biological reason. That reason, unsurprisingly is evolution. In this video, I explain why taking care of our family, or even dying for them, makes sense in the eyes of evolution.