
The time I was a human incubator

Adults Life
Premature babies majorly benefit from skin-to-skin contact with a parent –also known as “kangaroo care”– because it reduces infections and hypothermia and increases weight gain and parental involvement.

Arctic Fox Love Story | Incredible Animal Journeys | National Geographic

Adults Life
After a long winter apart, an Arctic fox searches for his mate. Will she have made it back?

Dominica: The Nature Island (2023) | Pristine Seas | National Geographic Society

Adults Life
After the harrowing experiences of Hurricane Maria in 2017, Dominica committed to transforming the island into the world’s first climate-resilient nation.

World's Best Night Vision Goggles

Adults Life
We visited the US Navy to test the best night vision goggles in the world.

Hitchhiking Crab Finds Love | Planet Earth III | BBC Earth

Adults Life
After being carried away by ocean currents, this Columbus crab is marooned on a temporary home of discarded fishing nets.

Where The Weird Things Are

Adults Life
We made this video in partnership with the Bik Lab at University of Georgia and the National Science Foundation.

The Legends of El Dorado: City of Gold (Full Episode) | Lost Cities with Albert Lin

Adults Life
National Geographic Explorer and scientist Albert Lin travels to Colombia to learn the truth behind the legends of El Dorado.

Hitchhiking Crab Finds Love | Planet Earth III | BBC Earth

Adults Life
After being carried away by ocean currents, this Columbus crab is marooned on a temporary home of discarded fishing nets. But, an opportunity is coming his way, if only he is brave enough to take it.

The Woman Who Saved the World

Adults Life
On her way to winning the 2023 Nobel Prize for her pioneering work on mRNA vaccines, Katalin Karikó lived a life made for the big screen.

Why Did It Take Us So Long?

Adults Life
We've long known that animal pollination is an important way plants reproduce on land, but we're only JUST finding out animals also pollinate plants underwater.

The Man Who Killed Millions and Saved Billions (Clean Version)

Adults Life
A huge thanks to Dan Charles for writing a fantastic biography of Fritz Haber, for taking the time to talk to us about it, and providing valuable feedback.

What Is ADHD?

Youth Life
Short animation explains ADHD through the eyes of amazing ADHD'er Molly aimed at school children to help them understand the condition.

Primitive Technology: Downdraft Kiln

Adults Life
A Phoenix kiln is a type of downdraft kiln where the firebox is below the ware chamber.

0:12 / 12:36 The Future of Botany: Crash Course Botany #15

Adults Life
We’ve learned a lot about plants throughout this series, but there’s much more to discover. In this episode of Crash Course Botany, we’ll peek into the future of botany.

Chernobyl's Radioactive Puppies Need Your Help!

Adults Life
Thirty seven years after the world’s worst nuclear disaster, an incredible population of dogs remains in Chernobyl.

Why So Many Ladybugs Don't Look Like Ladybugs

Adults Life
Ladybugs are red with black spots, right? Well, not always. There's a lot of genetic and evolutionary reasons that they can be different colors with wacky patterns.

Honey hunting in the dead of night | Primal Survivor: Extreme African Survivor

Adults Life
Hazen lowers a beehive from a tall tree and plunges his hand inside to get honey.