
String Theory Explained - What is The True Nature of Reality?

Adults Space
This video was funded by SNSF under Agora Grant n. 171622 and through the NCCR SwissMAP: The Mathematics of Physics.

NEW Gravitational Wave Discovery!

Adults Space
Scientists have JUST published this new observation.

If The Sun Goes Out For 24 Hours

Adults Space
What will happen to the planet Earth?

Which Way Is Down?

Adults Space
Vsauce host Michael Stevens digs deep into the ever-changing concept of the direction "down," what causes things to fall, and digs into how masses really, really want to pull towards each other in our universe, thanks to gravitational forces.

The U.S. & Russia Are Building a Deep Space Gateway, Here's What You Need to Know

Adults Space
The U.S. and Russia have announced plans to put a new structure in the orbit of the moon. What will it look like?

The first asteroid ever discovered - Carrie Nugent

Adults Space
Over the course of history, we've discovered hundreds of thousands of asteroids. But how do astronomers discover these bits of rock and metal? How many have they found? And how do they tell asteroids apart? Carrie Nugent shares the story of the very first asteroid ever discovered and explains how asteroid hunters search for these celestial bodies.

Why Is The Universe So Empty? (ft. PHD Comics!)

Adults Space
Why is the universe organized the way it is? And why is it so empty? From planets and stars to superclusters and galactic filaments, the universe's largest structures formed because of its smallest. In this special collaboration with PHD Comics, we'll learn how the earliest, quantumest blips seeded the structure of everything everywhere.

We're STILL Not Saying It's Aliens, But Tabby's Star Is Getting Weirder

Adults Space
The light from KIC 8462852 faded again, and scientists have some new theories about what's behind astronomy's most mysterious star.

Why It's HARD To Land on Mars

Adults Space
This video is about why it's harder to successfully land spacecraft and landers and rovers on Mars than on Earth, or Venus, or the Moon, or Titan, or asteroids. It all comes down to atmospheric density! When there's no atmosphere, you can do a powered descent in a flimsy tinfoil spacecraft like the Lunar Module, and when there's plenty of atmosphere you can do an unpowered descent via heat shield and parachutes like the space shuttle, Apollo command module, Soyuz, Huygens, etc. But on Mars with its thin air, you have to do both powered & unpowered descent, getting the worst of both worlds.

Optimistic Nihilism

Adults Space
The philosophy of Kurzgesagt.

Decoding the ancient astronomy of Stonehenge

Adults Space
The solstice alignments of Stonehenge, explained.

This Is Not What Space Looks Like

Adults Space
Amazing images of the far reaches of the universe are everywhere, but are they accurate? What does space really look like?

Amazing Images of a Changing Earth

Adults Space
Incredible before-and-after satellite images of our dynamic planet.

The Beginning of Everything -- The Big Bang

Adults Space
How did everything get started? Has the universe a beginning or was it here since forever? Well, evidence suggests that there was indeed a starting point to this universe we are part of right now. But how can this be? How can something come from nothing? And what about time? We don't have all the answers yet so let's talk about what we know.

Are You Alone? (In The Universe)

Adults Space
Are you alone? To answer this question we have to take a look what "you" are first. What are you made of and where you stand in this universe. Are you your body? Your atoms? And how are your parts connected to the big picture?

We Found New Planets. No, You Can't Live There

Adults Space
Everyone is freaking out about the discovery of 7 new potentially-habitable exoplanets, but is Trappist-1 really as good as it sounds?

The Crazy Way Scientists Launch Rockets From Balloons

Adults Space
Large chemical rockets are needed to launch payloads into space from the ground, but could rockoons, rocket balloons, be a more efficient alternative?