
Do Fish Drink Water?

Adults Nature
You'd think that animals that lived in water wouldn't have to drink it -- but some fish do. Learn all about how different kinds of fish get the fresh water that they need to survive.

GoPro: Climbing the Monolith

Adults Nature
Laurene Sibue and Xavier Gaboriaud climb over 30 stories on the "Monolithe de Sardières" in Savoie, France. The Monolith towers over its surroundings at an astonishing height of 93 meters.

What Happens If All The Bees Die?

Adults Nature
Will we go extinct if the bees all die?

Barefoot Airplane Waterskiing

Adults Nature
Ben Groen gets towed by a plane while waterskiing barefoot with friends in Florida.

Snowboarder Builds His Amazing Tiny House In The Mountain, And It's Absolutely Beautiful

Adults Nature
Pro-snowboarder, Mike Basich, tours his self-built 225 square foot home in the middle of his 40 acre snow covered property near Truckee, CA - and shows how being close to nature drives his most creative decisions.

How Do Chameleons Change Color?

Adults Nature
New research shows chameleons actively tune nano-crystals to change their color.

This Awesome Video Showing The Scenery Of Austria Is Absolutely Stunning And Breathtaking

Adults Nature
The scenery of our home country Austria is beyond compare. We live in the heart of Europe where we have a spectacular combination of cultural and natural attractions.

A Blonde and a Great White Shark

Adults Nature
This year on Valentine's Day, celebrate the love we have for the natural world around us. Join freediver Ocean Ramsey as she shares a quiet moment with a Great White Shark.

Skydiving into the Blue Hole, Belize

Adults Nature
The ultimate skydive in my 22 years of jumping! Exit from 13,500 feet in PERFECT weather conditions (ie endless blue skies, puffy clouds and NO wind) with my beautiful husband slaDE~ and our Arizona friend, Ginger. I deployed at 8,000 feet so I could soak in all the exotic beauty and sublime heavenly experience. A once in a lifetime never-to-forget skydive!!! BTW, my canopy is red, black and gray, and I am the last person to land in this video. WOOHOO!

Snoring Hummingbird

Adults Nature
A sleepy Hummingbird snoring away.

GoPro: Pelican Learns To Fly

Adults Nature
Abandoned by his flock, Bigbird the pelican stumbled ashore after a storm and was taken in by the staff of Greystoke Mahale in Tanzania. Watch as Bigbird learns to fly for the first time.

How tsunamis work - Alex Gendler

Adults Nature
The immense swell of a tsunami can grow up to 100 feet, hitting speeds over 500 mph -- a treacherous combination for anyone or anything in its path. Alex Gendler details the causes of these towering terrors and explains how scientists are seeking to reduce their destruction in the future.

This Skiing Video Is So Bonkers You're Excused If You Think It's A Video Game

Adults Nature
Candide Thovex conquers France's Val Blanc resort in a mind-blowing clip titled "One Of Those Days 2." He races in and out of what appears to be forbidden territory and straight into the crazy zone.

Why is glass transparent?

Adults Nature
If you look through your glasses, binoculars or a window, you see the world on the other side. How is it that something so solid can be so invisible? Mark Miodownik melts the scientific secret behind amorphous solids.

The Oldest Living Things In The World

Adults Nature
What is the oldest living thing in the world?

Gravity Glue 2014

Adults Nature
Stone Balance and Videography

How big is the ocean?

Adults Nature
While the Earth's oceans are known as five separate entities, there is really only one ocean. So, how big is it? As of 2013, it takes up 71% of the Earth, houses 99% of the biosphere, and contains some of Earth's grandest geological features. Scott Gass reminds us of the influence humans have on the ocean and the influence it has on us.